Chapter 65

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Third Person's P. O. V:

"What is this chakra?" Akira hisses as he turns back to the Uzumaki, blue eyes narrowing.

Naruto roars at him furiously, "You're gonna pay for that!!"

With his arm coated in bubbling red chakra, with claws barest of fingers, Naruto swings it forward. He sends Akira flying back with a cry of pain.

The other Ryuzaki rush at him, only for a chakra tail to whip out at them, sending them flying back as well.

Sakura stutters as the Genin gape at the blonde, "Wh-What's happening to Naruto?!"

Kakashi explains, "It's the Nine Tailed Fox."

Asuma asks, "But how? How did this happen?"

Hotaru states as she gazes towards her pink haired student, "It's because of what Akira stabbed Sakuya. She's been Naruto's best friend since she arrived in the Leaf, and shows a great deal of protectiveness over him."

"She needs urgent medical treatment!!" Sanna exclaims, running over to her cousin with Mika, Misaki, Ren and Kyo. Saki and Haru weren't far behind.

Sanna drops to her knees and rests Sakuya's head in her lap. Saki kneels beside Sakuya and pulls the kunai free. She then wraps water around her hands. Sakura, Hinata, Daisuke and the Leaf Jounin gather around them as Saki places her hands over Sakuya's wound and they glow a pale white light as she begins to heal her daughter.

"Kakashi," Asuma breathes. The silverette follows his gaze to see that there are three tails flickering behind Naruto, as he relentlessly attacks Akira.

Kakashi's eyes widen. "Oh, no. This isn't good. We have to stop Naruto somehow."

"But, how?" Hotaru demands.

"I don't know!" Kakashi scowls back before he runs over to Naruto. Kakashi holds up his hands placatingly as Naruto faces him. "Easy, Naruto. I know you're angry about Sakuya, but just try to remain calm, okay?"

Naruto responds by lashing one of his tails at him. With eyes wide, Kakashi narrowly Body Flickers out of the way in time, and reappears beside his fellow Jounin. Naruto resumes attacking the Ryuzaki.

"No good. I can't even get near him without getting killed," Says Kakashi.

"This wound is serious," Says Saki, the water fading from her hands as they shake, "but I've done the best I could."

Ayame says, "We can only hope she wakes up soon and that Naruto can calm himself down."

There's a groan and Sanna gasps, "Sakuya!" Her cousin's eyes flutter open and she blinks up at her friends.

"Wh-Where's Naruto-kun?" Sakuya wheezes out.

"Don't worry about that," Sanna tells her firmly. "You need to rest, and—Sakuya!"

Sakuya ignores her as she pushes herself into a sitting position. "Where's Naruto-kun? He needs me." She gazes around and worry fills her chest at the sight of the red chakra surrounding Naruto.

Sakuya stands up, and wobbles slightly, but Kyo helps steady her, before she slowly heads for Naruto.

"Sakuya, no! It's too dangerous." Kakashi tries to stop her, but Sakuya waves him off, eyes glued to Naruto.

The others could do nothing but watch as she nears Naruto and calls out to him, "Naruto-kun! Naruto-kun, you can stop now. I-I'm okay." Hearing her voice, Naruto stops his claws midswing from striking the Ryuzaki clan leader, and he swivels his head to Sakuya. Naruto's red orbs jerk wide.

"S-Sakuya-chan?" He murmurs in disbelief as he turns to her. "B-But how? I saw Akira stab you, and..."

A shaky smile appears on her face as Sakuya takes a step closer. "I'm okay now," She repeats. "You can stop this. For me. I want my best friend back."

With water wrapped around her hand, Sskuya reaches out and grasps Naruto's hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

She keeps smiling at him, well aware of their comrades watching them. "Push it back, Naruto-kun. Come back to me."

Naruto grits his teeth in concentration. To the Leaf Jounin's shock, the red chakra begins to recede from Naruto's body. Soon, it was all gone, and Naruto starts to collapse with a groan of exhaustion.

Sakuya catches him as she drops to her knees and holds Naruto against her. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Sakuya-chan," He whispers. "I just thought—"

"Shh, it's okay. Everything will be okay," Sakuya says soothingly.

Asuma and the other Jounin were gaping at Sakuya, holding Naruto against her.

"H-How did she do that?" He demands to know.

Kakashi says in disbelief, shaking his head, "I-I don't know."

"She somehow stopped Naruto without the need for any Jutsus," Kurenai mutters.

They linger there for a moment as Sakuya calms Naruto down.

"I don't know what that was," Says Akira lowoy as he gets to his feet, burns on his body from Naruto's red chakra, "but I'm still leaving this island with the Jutsus of the Fujikami clan."

Sakuya and Naruto turn their heads as the pinkette's glares. She gently sets Naruto down and gets to her feet, ignoring the slight pain in her chest.

"I don't think so! Petal Release," Sakuya hisses, doing hand signs, "Dancing Petals Jutsu."

Before he could move, petals surround Akira in a violently swirling sphere, and he screams in pain as they cut into him. It seems to last forever but eventually, the petals die down and the man collapses, groaning.

Sakuya steps forwards and reaches down to retrieve the scrolls before she straightens and glares daggers at her enemy. "These never belonged to you in the first place."

Akira glares at her before two Fujikami clan members come up and grab his arms, putting shackles on him. Sakuya turns and Naruto follows her to their comrades.

Kanna stands with her daughter and son-in-law.

Sanna immediately hugs Sakuya who returns it. When she pulls back, Saki and Haru also hug their daughter. Kanna joins in.

Everyone else watches with happy smiles, relieved it was all over.

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