Chapter 62

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

Kiba, Homura and I were walking in peaceful silence, trying to head back to the Tower, when I sense movement through the air and suddenly shout, "Get down!!"

I throw myself onto Kiba and push him to the ground as Homura also ducks, just in time to avoid a massive fireball. I raise my head as it crashes into a tree, seeing it burning at the tree.

"What the heck?!" Kiba exclaims.

I climb off him and we stand up to fade out attackers. Akira and his group of Ryuzaki.

"How did they find us?!" Kiba demands. I notice their Ryugan is activated.

"Their Ryugan," I gasp.

Akira says, "That's right, princess. As long as our Ryugan is activated, there is no place on this island that you can hide from us." I scowl at that. "Now, tell me where the scroll is."

"How's this for your answer?" I retort before weaving hand signs. "Petal Release: Petal Darts Jutsu!"

I flick my wrist and send out a bunch of petals at the Ryuzaki. They all dodge by leaping off the branches they're on.

"If that's how you want things to be..." Akira says lowly before doing his own set of hand signs. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu."

He launches the mini fireballs at us.

I quickly do hand signs. "Petal Release: Petal Shroud Jutsu." Petals swirl around me, Kiba and Homura, protecting us from the flames.

When my Jutsu dies down, Akamaru jumps out of Kiba's jacket and he crouches before the Ninken jumps on his back. "Man Beast Clone." Akamaru transforms into an exact copy of Kiba. "Fang Over Fang!"

They drill towards a couple of Ryuzaki while three others face me, all of them holding spears for weapons.

I do hand signs and say, "Ice Release: Snow Control Jutsu." I turn slightly and hear a crinkling sound before I look. The three men were completely frozen, with one of their spears pointed right at me.

More Ryuzaki run at me. I flick my wrist and send out discs of ice that knock out two of the women.

Homura transforms and launches a ball of fire at the last Ryuzaki charging at us. It takes him out immediately.

I do a set of hand signs. "Neko Transformation!" I take on my neko form with white cat ears and tail.

I charge at a couple of Ryuzaki and swing my fists, while dodging their attacks. I backflip to avoid a water whip and dive to the side to avoid a few mini fireballs.

I lunge for one of them and land a roundhouse kick to the Ryuzaki. I then spin and land a left hook to the other's jaw, causing him to stagger.

I then leap up and kick him in the stomach, knocking him down.

I turn to another Ryuzaki as Kiba and Akamaru spin towards others and do hand signs. "Petal Release: Petal Pillar Jutsu."

I thrust up my arm and a pillar of petals shoot up from underneath the Ryuzaki, knocking him over.

I do more hand signs. "Fire Style: Will O' Wisp Jutsu." I form small balls of fire around me that have faces in them, and they fly for the Eyuzaki. The men and women cry out as they're burned by my Jutsu.

A male Ryuzaki attempts to swat a Wisp away, only for his hand to get burned, making him cry out in pain.

I gaze around at Kiba and call while doing hand signs, "Kiba! We have to retreat!"

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