Chapter 12

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Hotaru stops as she sees Kyo protecting the Fujikami princess and lets out a breath of relief. She was going to stop Eihei herself but it seems as though Kyo beat her to it.

The sound of swords clashing rings over the ship as Hiro resumes his position at the wheel, trying to figure out how to steer it.

Hotaru was immensely impressed with Kyo's swordsmanship; he's better than any Genin of the Leaf Hotaru has seen, apart from Sskuya.

Kyo dodges a feint and deflects another attack. He swings his own katana for the redhead but she easily dances away, and thrusts her cutlass at Kyo's shoulder.

Sakuya is leaning on her hands as she watches her teammate battle the captain. They swing viciously at one another before they press their swords against one another, grunting.

"I'll admit, you're good... for a Genin brat," Mutters Eihei as she presses against him. "Perhaps you'd like to join my crew?"

"I refuse!" Snaps the Suzumoto before he throws her back. "Kenjutsu: Hazy Moon Night." Kyo swings his sword in a circle, creating illusions of several others, then he launches himself at the pirate captain and manages to graze her right arm, making her hiss at the pain, anger flashing in her eyes.

Kyo is thrown back by a powerful kick and hits the deck. He blocks an incoming attack from Eihei before jumping to his feet. They resume clashing their blades against one another.

Sakuya was in awe of her teammate's swordsmanship and couldn't tear her eyes away.

Kyo pulls back and raises his sword above his head. "Wind Release: Heavenly Typhoon Jutsu." Chakra enhanced wind rapidly collects around his blade before he brings it down. Sakuya stays low to the deck as there's a blast upon impact and Eihei is forced back a bit.

Kyo frowns as she smirks at him. He does more hand signs.

"Typhoon Release: Consecutive Bursting Strong Winds," Says Kyo, sweeping out his hand. A storming vortex appears and seems to slow Eihei down, causing her to frown.

"Wind Release: Heavenly Dragon Fang!" Says Kyo, swinging out his sword. A sharp, chakra enhanced wind in the form of an arc lashes out and heads for Eihei. There's an explosion as the attack hits something.

When the dust clears, everyone was shocked to see the woman is still standing.

"What...?" Kyo mutters, before Eihei lunges at him, sword raised.

Sakuya's eyes jerk wide upon seeing her sword pointed at her teammate.

With a grunt, she forces herself to her feet before charging towards Kyo. She barrels int his side and knocks him away from the pirate captain, only to feel something sharp plunge into her left side.

Kyo grunts as he hits the deck, and jerks his gaze up, gasping as his eyes widen at the sight of his teammate, Eihei's cutlass plunged into her left side.

Eihei pulls her sword free as Sakuya drops to the ground, coughing and clutching her wound. "I wasn't expecting that," The brown eyed woman mutters. "Why would you do that?"

"Because... Because he's my teammate and my friend," Sakuya manages to grit out. "And I'll protect my friends!"

Eihei narrows her eyes as she murmurs, "You'll... protect your friends? Hmph, what nonsense."

Kyo drops to his knees beside the pinkette and cups the back of her head as he hisses, "You shouldn't have done that! You're the medic!"

"That doesn't matter when you're in danger," Sakuya responds. "I'm just glad I got to you in time."

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