Chapter 22

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

Sakura throws shuriken but Zaku appears before his teammates. Zaku throws out his hands to show the holes in his palms and sends out a wave of chakra infused air.

Sakura throws her hands up to shield herself from the sudden gust of wind as the weapons were thrown right back at us.

Sakura glares at the blue haired man as she begins to fall. But a hand grabs a fistful of her pink hair, causing Sakura to cry out.

I see the female Sound ninja behind Sakura. "My, my! What soft, shiny hair! But you know what? If you'd spent a little less time shampooing, and a little more time practicing your Jutsu, you might not be in this fix! Hey, Zaku," The girl sneers, "I know what would be fun! Let's make Beauty Queen-San watch while you finish that Sasuke guy!"

"Why not?" Says Zaku. "Sounds like fun to me!"

Sakura is about to lunge at Zaku but her captor snaps as she yanks the pinkette back, "Don't even...!"

Sakura gasps painfully as her fingers clench in the dirt. Tears of frustration begin dripping from her eyes. Sakura's fist tightens in the dirt.

"Okay! Let's do this!" Zaku says excitedly as he steps toward the unconscious Uchiha with deliberate steps. He steps past Sakura slowly.

I shift my gaze when I see Sakura pull out a kunai from her weapons' holster.

The girl says as Sakura grips the knife in her hands, "Come on! It's pointless. It won't work on me!"

Sakura says as she gives the ravenette a smile, "It's not meant for you!"

"What the...?!" The Sound nin gasps as Sakura raises the kunai...

... and slices it right through her pink hair, cutting it off and freeing Sakura from the Sound Nin.

I gape at my friend, not having expected her to do such a thing.

Sakura slowly rises to her feet as her pink strands drift to the forest floor. Her headband clatters on the ground beside her feet.

Lee says as Sakura clenches her fist determinedly, "Sakura, be careful!" His eyes then droop close as he loses consciousness.

"Kin! Finish her!" Zaku orders his female teammate.

Kin's charcoal coloured eyes widen before she whips out three senbon needles and whirls to Sakura who's doing fast hand signs, though they're nowhere near as fast as me.

Zaku does his own hand sign as Kin lunges for Sakura from behind. Kin stabs Sakura with the senbon, only for the Haruno to disappear in a puff of smoke and be replaced with a log.

"A Substitution Jutsu!"

Zaku smirks as he does more hand signs. Sakura runs towards the bluenette with kunai in her hands. "Kin! Get out of the way!!" He shouts and she leaps up as Sakura throws her weapons. Zaku scoffs as he turns to Sakura, palms facing her. "Pathetic! Thanks for the present! Hope you don't mind if I return it!" Sakura stops short and does the same hand signs again. "Slicing Sound Wave!" A wave of chakra infused air is emitted and blows back the weapons. It also disperses Sakura's Jutsu, revealing her weapons embedded in the log.

"What a surprise! Okay, where are you now?" Zaku questions before he and I look up, seeing Sakura hovering above us. Sakura repeats the hand signs. "You really wanna keep playing this?! 'Cause I got news for ya: I'm not falling for it! Alright! If you insist!" He pulls out three kunai and throws them at the pinkette. The knives embed themselves in Sakura's arms and legs as she shields herself with her arms. The bluenette looks around for the supposed real Haruno. "Okay, so where are you coming from next?" Blood drips onto his headband and right cheek, causing the Sound ninja to look up in confusion. "Huh...? Huh?!"

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