Chapter 90

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This is just a filler chapter but I'm not sure how good it is. Hopefully you guys will like it!

Sakuya's P. O. V:

I finish up a bunch of D rank missions with my teammates before we split off for the day.

I get home and have a snack before I change into my casual outfit. Then I go out and groom Kin before I tack him up and mount him. Then I warm up my horse in our paddock before I just casually ride him around.

I didn't really feel like going t the forest today.

I ride Kin for two hours before I dismount and untack him, then I hose him down.

I relax inside the house as I read before it was time to feed the animals. I feed the three cats before I go and put Kin in his stall, then make up his feed.

I go inside to find Kakashi making dinner. I set the table and dinner was soon done. Kakashi and I sit down and eat.

"Have you heard from Ayame Sensei lately?" I ask my Guardian and he instantly blushes.

"We've been in touch," He says. I smile at him.

"I'm glad you two are going out. I think you suit each other," I say, causing him to blush more. I giggle.

"Heard anything from your parents?" Kakashi asks.

"Things have been quiet in the Land of Blossoms lately. Which is good," I say, shoving a mouthful of food into my mouth.

"I'm glad the whole war with the Ryuzaki clan is over," Kakashi says.

"Me, too," I mutter as we resume eating dinner.

Afterwards, I help to wash up before I go lie on my bed to read my book that Kakashi gave me for my birthday.

At around midnight, when I'd gotten changed for bed, Konohana, Yuri and Homura curl up on my bed before I turn the light off and go to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up with a stretch and yawn, before I start getting ready for the day. First up was training with my team, then we're on standby till we get a bunch of missions.

I spar with each of my teammates, and even Homura joined in. We get lunch together afterwards and hang out with one another for the afternoon.

When we go do our own thing, I head to a hill vet looking the village and lie down as I read my book. Homura sprawls in the grass beside me.

"Hey, Sakuya-chan!" I look up to see Kiba coming up to me with Akamaru. I smile at my boyfriend.

"Hi, Kiba-kun, Akamaru! What are you doing here?" I greet, patting the Ninken as he reaches my side.

"Thought we'd get a little training in when we saw you with Homura," Says Kiba. He arches an eyebrow at the book I'm reading. "You're reading, huh?"

"Hey, I already did my training with my teammates," I tell him.

"Where are they, anyway?" The Inuzuka asks.

I shrug as I lie back and resume reading, "Who knows? Around."

"Mind if we join you?" Kiba asks.

"I don't mind," I reply. Kiba plops himself down and gets comfortable beside me. I end up reading to him for awhile.

After two hours, Kiba and I leave the hill as he has to go on a mission. I wander around the village, my nose still on my book.

I dodge kittie kids as I'm also using my Earth Release Sensing Jutsu. I also avoid running into a man that's delivering food somewhere.

And I dodge running puppies.

I feel I'm walking by Kakashi's vibration and greet, "Hey, Kashi-kun."

He pauses and blinks back at me before returning, "Hey, Sakuya."

He gazes after me as I continue on with Homura.

After I awhile, I lean against a fence in a street where a few little kids were playing ninja. One of them ends up tripping and crying. The others pause and gasp.

I jerk my head up to see the boy has grazed his knee. I go over and put my book down before doing hand signs. "Let me help with that," I say softly as a mint green aura surrounds my hands.

I place them over his knee and flow healing chakra into it. After a heartbeat or two, I remove my hands and the light fades to reveal newly healed skin. "How's that?" I ask.

The boy grins widely when he no longer feels pain and says gratefully, "Thank you, miss! I feel much better now!"

I beam at him as we stand up and say, "Run along now! And be careful!"

He waves as he resumes playing with his friends. I resume reading.

I spend the rest of the day reading as I wander around the village with Homura. We get home at 5: 30, and then I feed the three cats, before I put Kin in his stall and make up his own food.

I go back inside to read while I wait for dinner.

Kakashi calls from the couch, having just gotten home himself, "Hey, how was your day?"

I respond as I poke my head into the living room and smile at him, "It was good."

He smiles back as I go up to my room to read even more.

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