Chapter 92

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

I finish my round of sentry duty at dawn the next morning before I get started on making breakfast, Homura using her Fire Style to make the fire once again.

Kakashi soon wakes, probably due to the smell of food cooking, and comes to sit by the fire. I finish cooking and we eat before dousing the fire and packing up camp.

Then we resume heading to Suna for our mission, just like when we left the village yesterday.

After a few hours of travelling, Kakashi calls down to me, "Anything, Sakuya?"

I reply, "Nothing yet." He was asking about enemy vibrations. It wasn't until an hour or two later that I sense three unknown vibrations. "Kakashi! Get ready."

I skid to a halt and he leaps down beside me and Homura just as three Kumogakure ninja jump out of the trees.

"We hear you got some important documents," The one on my left says. "Give them to us and we'll let you live."

"I don't think so!" I snap before doing hand signs. "Petal Release: Petal Darts Jutsu." I flick my wrist and petals fly for the enemies, but they were quick to jump out of the way.

I see the first ninja unsheathing a sword before bringing it down on me. I swiftly unsheathe my pink dagger and clash it against his weapon.

I hear Homura changing size before engaging the second Kumo nin, and I hear Kakashi clashing his kunai against his own opponent.

"Tell me, do you have the scrolls, or the Copy Ninja?" My opponent questions.

"If you beat me, I'll tell you," I challenge. "But I doubt you'll be able to, 'cause there's no way I'm letting you have the scrolls!"

"Damn brat!" He scowls, wildly swinging his sword. I block it with my dagger before jumping back a safe distance.

I do hand signs. "Fire Style: Flower Viewing Festival Jutsu!" I create a cherry blossom tree of fire and the petals drift off toward the Cloud nin. He dodges them and does his own hand signs.

"Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder!" The man thrusts his hands to the ground and electricity shoots towards me.

I dive out of the way to dodge it. Homura creates a fire dragon and it lunges for her opponent. He sends a Storm Beam at the nekomata but sue dodges and sends another fire dragon at him.

Kakashi imitates his opponents' Jutsu using his Sharingan and copies the Water Style Raging Waves Jutsu.

I do another set of hand signs. "Lightning Style: Lightning Violent Quake." Electricity shoots for my opponent as pink discs of energy swirl inside it.

The man dodges and lightning engulfs his fist as he runs at me. "Lightning Fist!" I dance back or jerk to the side to avoid his lightning covered fist. I swerve to the side and narrowly avoid the crackling electricity.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Hand Jutsu," Says the blonde haired man before placing his hands in the Monkey Seal. I stare as a giant hand made entirely of electricity forms and shoots for me.

I do a back hand spring but it keeps coming. I dive to the side but the hand follows me. I go to move once again only for the hand to whack me against my side and send me tumbling, grunting sharply across the ground.

"Sakuya!" Kakashi calks worriedly.

His opponent attacks him with Storm Release but Kakashi just used a Shadow Clone before reappearing behind him and slashing the man's back with a kunai.

Homura slashes her claws against her opponent's chest before whirling around to me.

I struggle to sit up only to let out a gasp upon seeing lightning shooting from the hand towards me. I couldn't move in time.

"Sakuya!" Kakashi shouts fearfully.

The lightning hits me and I scream.

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