Chapter 14

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

Grunts could be heard along with the sound of thumping and slapping as Ren and I clash against each other in our training field, our bodies moving pretty fast.

It's been nine months since the Land of Water incident and it's now June 24th.

Ren has earned my forgiveness for stealing my chocolate by buying me another chocolate block, bigger than my precious one.

I still haven't seen Team 7 much outside of Kakashi due to the fact I've been busy with my own team, missions and training.

I wonder how Teams 8 and 10 are doing?

Anyway, in these last nine months, I've been helping Kyo gain his confidence with his Sozogan, while he also trains with his sister at home. She may be a retired shinobi so she can look after the clan, but Reika still trains to keep her skills sharp in order to be able to protect her clan and little brother.

We've done more D rank missions, such as helping to rebuild a garden shed, find a lost cat known as Tora, who Kakashi's team also caught last year, and stake out a cabbage thief. The cabbage merchant was particularly crazy as he's super protective over his cabbages and even offered sone to us as rewards. We took them but I think we all made the cabbages into meals.

I also gave the Feudal Lord's wife some advice to my squish her cat so much as she hugs him, as that was the reason he ran away in the first place.

Everyone was stunned at my baldness but the lady had just said thank you and that I was cute before leaving. I don't know if she even heard me or not...

I let out a grunt of immense exertion as I knock Ren back with a punch to the shoulder. He goes skidding across the ground with a groan of pain before stopping.

"It looks like Sakuya wins again," Says Hotaru, watching from beside Kyo who perches on a boulder. Homura perched beside her. So far I've beaten Ren n all of our training sessions.

Ren grits out, getting up, "No way! I'm not done yet!"

I raise an eyebrow as I ask, "You still want to keep going? I think that's the 20th time I've beaten you."

Ren scowls, "No, it isn't! I've just been going easy on you 'cause you're the Fujikami clan princess!"

An irk mark appears on my forehead at that. "And you think I can't defend myself, is that it?" I demand.

"Well..." Ren trails off.

I say with hooded eyes, "Let's go again. I bet I can beat you with one kick!"

I then raise my left leg and groan with immense exertion, channeling chakra into my foot. Ren's teal blue eyes widen as he realises just what I'm going to do.

He waves his hands back and forth, looking fearful as he tries backing away. "N-No, Sakuya! I d-didn't mean it! I didn't m-mean to offend you...!"

Too late.

I'd already slammed my foot into the ground with all my chakra basically, and release at the exact right moment upon impact with the earth, just as Tsunade taught me.

There's a cracking sound as the earth tears up towards the blonde, his eyes wide as saucers, unable to get away in time.

With a scream that I'm certain could be heard across the entire village, Ren is hit head-on by my chakra kick and sent sailing across the clearing with a resounding explosion, the wind tossing our hair and clothes.

There's another explosion as the attack ends and a flock of birds fly up into the sky, chirping fearfully.

When the dust settles, Kyo and Hotaru are staring at me in stunned silence. A massive fissure crater has opened up and Ren is lying in it in a heap, moaning in pain and eyes spinning dizzily.

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