Chapter 79

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

The other two rogue ninja were knocked away be Hotaru and Kakashi while I unsheathe my katana and block the incoming kunai attack from my opponent.

I call back to Dan, "Dan-sama, just stay behind me! I'll protect you."

I grunt as I'm pushed back by the rogue but then I slash forward and strike for his stomach, causing the ninja to cut himself instead. Homura goes to protect our client as I fend off the rogue ninja, clashing my sword against his kunai knife.

The ninja fighting Kakashi forms an earth dragon head out of mud that shoots bullets of mud at the silverette.

He forms an earth wall to shield himself before appearing under the man's feet with his Head Hunter Jutsu. The rogue ninja leaps back to avoid being pulled underground.

He sends earth spikes at Kakashi but he easily dodges them.

Mud geysers shoot up under Kakashi, but he manages to avoid those as well.

Hotaru dodges a blast of lightning from her opponent's hands and shoots a beam of electricity from her own hands, striking him in the side. She forms a bow of lightning and fires several arrows at her opponent. He does his best to dodge them.

Kakashi does hand signs while his Sharingan is showing and sends out liquid bullets at his opponent. One gets him in the shoulder but the others miss.

The rogue and Kakashi clash blades and the enemy manages to stab Kakashi's right shoulder before my Guardian kicks him back. Earth spikes shoot towards him but Kakashi dodges.

Hotaru uses her Storm Release to use her Jutsu, Angel's Light, which lets her fire beams of Storm Release of varying sizes at her enemy. Hotaru manages to knock him to the ground when two beams hit him in the stomach.

I dodge my enemy's attack and clash my sword against his before feinting for his left. I cut his right side and aim another strike, but he blocks it.

The man does hand signs and blows out a massive fireball. I cut through it with my katana.

"Benizakure Flash," I say before I swiftly cut my sword towards him. He dodges and I feel him graze my calf with his kunai, making me hiss. "Damn."

I gasp as I see the man trying to attack Dan but Homura bites towards him, forcing the man back.

"Electric Needle Rain!" Hotaru calls when her opponent attempts to attack her once again. This time she takes him down with needles made from Storm Release.

"Earth Style: Earth and Stone Dragon Jutsu," Kakashi calls as his opponent does, and they both form dragons out of earth. However, Kakashi's easily overpowers his opponents' and crashes into the enemy, making him cry out.

Homura slashes her claws at the rogue and launches her Exploding Flame Shot Jutsu, forcing him back further.

I grit my teeth and blur in front of Dan, flowing chakra into my fist. With a grunt of immense exertion, I slam my fist into the earth and flow my chakra into it.

The ground breaks up and the rogue cries out as he's knocked down by my attack. He gets up and scowls at me before brandishing his kunai.

The rogue runs at me but I ready my fist again before I slug him in the face, hearing cracks and sending him flying back a good distance with cries of pain.

He vanishes into the trees and doesn't seem to get up again.

"Hmph," I grunt as I brandish my sword and sheathe it, before glancing back at Dan. He just raises one silver eyebrow at me, though I get the feeling he's impressed.

"Now that that's over," Hotaru says, "might I suggest we find a place to rest and heal?"

I glance from my wounded leg to Kakashi's shoulder and nod my head in agreement.


An hour later, we've found a safe place to camp for the night and I immediately set to work in healing Kakashi's right shoulder with my Healing Touch Jutsu, faintly glowing water wrapped around my hands as I place them on my Guardian's shoulder.

"You should've healed your leg first, Sakuya," He tells me.

"Don't worry about me," I say, ignoring the feeling of Dan watching me from his spot on the log nearby, Hotaru sitting on a boulder. "It's not as bad as your wound."

Kakashi doesn't say anything else as I continue to heal him.

I hear Dan say, "I had no idea she was a Medical Ninja too."

Hotaru agrees, "Yes, well, Tsunade-sama did say she trained Sakuya herself. She's one of the best young Medical Ninja out there."

I soon finish healing my Guardian and ask, "How's that?"

He gazes at his shoulder and moves it before saying with a smile, "It's good. Now you should heal your wound."

"Right," I mutter before I wrap my water covered hands around my left calf and begin to heal it. It takes less time than Kakashi's wound and I soon remove my hands and key the water drop to the floor. I flex my leg and smile in satisfaction. "There. That's better."

Kakashi and I stand up and go over to our team. He says, "We'll rest here for a short while before we travel some more. I'd like to get as much travelling done before nightfall. We'll stop to rest again at sunset."

Hotaru nods and starts finding out her lunch as Kakashi and I do the same, Mr sitting near Dan on the log. I put some meat in Homura's bowl if brought with us and she starts devouring it before I take out my cheese and ham rice ball.

I bite into it as Dan says, "You surprised me this afternoon, Sakuya." I shift my gaze to him. "I was wrong to judge you immediately."

I swallow and say, "It's okay. I didn't mean to snap earlier. I just got frustrated with you judging me like that."

"I've just never met a Jounin as young as you before," He says, now eating his own food.

"Well, now you have," I say, before I resume eating.

We rest for an hour before we move on, to Yakigakure, in the same formation as before.

There were no more ambushes, but I didn't quite relax, and when the sun starts to set, we find a clearing and make camp for the night.

I sit in a tree while reading my book by the light of the stars, Dan sleeping with the other two Jounin nearby. We were taking two hour shifts.

I just read my book throughout my first shift.

The next morning, I make breakfast for everyone and after we eat, we pack up camp before continuing on our journey. It'll take us another three days to get to Yakigakure.

Those next three days were pretty uneventful, but on the morning in the fourth day, I sense more unknown vibrations.

"We've got incoming!" I gasp just when more rogue ninja lunge out at us. Like before, Kakashi and Hotaru knock away two of them while Homura transforms and knocks back others.

I focus my Dancing Wind Jutsu and form a solid wall of air which the remaining ninja slam into.

I say as I dodge a Fire Style attack, "There's too many of them! And we're so close to Dan's village!"

I send out a few Liquid Bullets as Homura forms a fire dragon that takes out three ninja.

Hotaru glances around as she does hand signs. "Storm Release: Black Cloud Jutsu!" A storm cloud forms around us, reaching out ten metres in all directions.

"Everyone, retreat! Head for the village!" Hotaru orders.

I grab Dan and we swiftly mount Hours before she takes flight for the Hidden Night Village.

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