Naruto The Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Part 3

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

"...uya! ...Sakuya! ... Sakuya!" I hear someone calling my name as my senses slowly come back to me. There's a firm pressure on my chest before someone puts their lips on my own, forcing air into my lungs. "Come on, Sakuya! Wake up!" The voice urges, pushing down and up on my chest again a few times in a row, as they perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on me.

Then their lips were on mine again, and more air is forced into my lungs.

The person doing CPR on me pushes down and up on my chest a few more times, and press their lips to mine to feed me air, before I jerk my head up as I cough and splutter water out of my mouth, gagging a little as my head lolls to the side.

"Sakuya...!" My teammates gasp in immense relief as I cough the last of the sea water from my lungs. Suddenly, I'm engulfed in a massive bear hug as Sakura, Lee, Ren and Naruto crash into me, knocking me back to the deck.

"Oof! G-Guys..." I grunt, trailing off as I blink my vision back into focus. They just continue to hug me tighter, Naruto and Lee anime crying out of pure joy.

"Sakuya-chan! We're just so happy you're alive...!" The boys cry, Naruto's head buried in my chest while Lee's is in my shoulder, Sakura's the other.

"C-Can't breathe...!" I manage to wheeze out.

"Alright you four. Why don't you give Sakuya some breathing room? She did just nearly drown, after all. Don't need you three to kill her too," Says Kakashi firmly.

"Oh, sorry, Sakuya-chan!" Naruto and Lee chime before the four of them jump back.

Kyo says in relief, "I'm glad you're alright, Sakuya."

"As am I. I was really worried for Selma second," Adds Hotaru.

I chuckle sheepishly.

I groan as I sit up and ask while pointing at my teammates, "Okay, which one of you kissed me just now?"

Ren, Naruto and Lee tense up at that but Kakashi clears his throat from my left. I swivel my head around to see his black half mask is covering the lower half of his face. Kakashi tells me, "I was the one who performed CPR on you, Sakuya. You're welcome, by the way."

Kakashi sends me a closed eye smile but my face burns red at the thought. Kakashi did CPR on me?! He must've swiftly pulled his mask back up the second I started coughing up sea water so my teammates didn't see his face.

"Th-Thanks, Kashi-kun..." I murmur before I feel exhaustion wash over me.

My teammate's eyes jerk wide as my back meets the deck with a soft thud. Then everything goes black again.

Kakashi's P. O. V:

We watch the Princess fall unconscious before us, due to the wave of exhaustion that hit her.

I'm glad that she's alright. I thought my heart had stopped when I saw Sakuya go overboard.

"Aaahhh! Sakuya-chan! Wake up! Don't die on us again!" Naruto yells, clutching the sides of his head, cerulean blue orbs wide.

Sakura says to him, "Calm down, Naruto. Sakuya just passed out from exhaustion, is all. We need to get her to her room."

I say, "I'll take her. You seven finish up here."

"Right!" The Genin chime as Hotaru nods her head.

I approach Sakuya and slide an arm under her back, the other under her knees, and lift the girl up bridal style.

As I walk past Sakuya's worried looking cars, Homura following me, I pause and send them a closed eye smile as I tell them assuringly, "Don't worry about her. She'll wake up by morning. Sakuya just fainted, is all."

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