Chapter 8

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Ren and Sakuya cry out as a huge glob of chakra infused lava shoots towards them.

The Takahashi screams, "Is that lava?!"

Ren and Sakuya both throw their arms up to try t protect themselves, but there's a black blur in front of them.

"Water Style: Wall of Forgetfulness!" With a swirl of water, the dome forms and blocks the attack, converting it to water and enhancing the defence. There's a loud sizzle as the Lava Jutsu is absorbed by the dome.

Hotaru glares at the Mist ninja as she drops the dome and says angrily, "I won't allow you to hurt my students!" She whips her head to them. "You three need to get out of here."

"But, what about you?!" Sakuya asks as Hotaru turns back to the Mist ninja.

She gets in a ready stance as she says lowly, "I'll stay and hold them off. You three need to meet up with our clients. Go, now!"

Kyo urges, "Come on!" They begin running away with Homura.

"What about Hotaru Sensei?!" Sakuya gasps as the Mist ninja lunge for her.

The green haired boy responds, glancing at Sakuya, "We're only Genin. These guys are probably Chunin or higher. We'd only be in her way if we stayed. She'll be fine. We need to go."

Sakuya's gaze hardens as she shakes her head and tells him, "No! I don't care what you do, Kyo, but I'm going to stay and help Hotaru Sensei. I will never turn my back on people who need me!"

With that, she whirls around and runs back to the fight, Homura following her. The Suzumoto scowls after her.

He looks at Ren and demands, "What about you? Are you going to disobey our Sensei's order?"

Ren shrugs as he replies, "I can't abandon our Sensei, can I?" Then he, too, goes back to Hotaru. Kyo glares after then but decides to follow his teammates.

Just as the Lava Style woman was about to attack Hotaru once again, a single cherry blossom petal flies through the air and slices her hand, emitting a grunt of pain. Everyone pauses and turns their heads to see Sakuya with her hand outstretched, a glare on her features.

"I won't allow you to hurt our Sensei!" She snaps.

"Sakuya! I thought I told you and the others to get out of here?" Demands the Arashi.

"You did, we didn't listen," She responds flippantly.

The brunette man with that he sword scowls, "Kill her and her friends! I'll deal with the woman."

The other Mist ninja start towards Ren, Kyo and Sakuya.

Sakuya does hand signs as the two Jounin clash blades once again. "Petal Release: Petal Current!" She sweeps out her hand and a wave of cherry blossom petals sharp enough to cut through steel shoots for the approaching enemy.

They dodge and it cuts through a tree trunk, shredding it until it falls over.

"Blue Flame Release," Says the blonde haired woman as she does hand signs, "Meteor Shower." The blonde woman exhales blue flames from her mouth and they form into a fireball. It then morphs into the size of a golf ball as it splits into several smaller versions.

The Genin''s eyes widen before Ren starts some hand signs.

"Crystal Release: Crimson Fruit Jutsu!" A dome of crystal forms around them and protects them from the intense heat.

"Lava Style: Lava Globs," Says the purple haired woman and she launches a few globs of lava. It easily melts Ren's defence and they split off.

Homura forms a spark of flame in her paws before launching balls of them at the blonde haired woman. She does hand signs.

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