Chapter 75

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

I watch in horror, clutching the unconscious puppy in my arms, as Kiba continues to stab himself in the stomach with his kunai. Ukon and Kiba cry out in agony.

"Are you mad?! What are you doing?!" Ukon exclaims as Kiba ills the kunai out.

They breathe heavily as he says, "If we really share the same body, I guess you feel whatever I feel, don't ya?"

"Damn you...!"

Kiba chuckles, smirking. "It hurts, doesn't it? Well, come on! I know one way to stop the pain."

I feel my pink eyes widen to the size of saucers as the brunette points the knife at his chest. My heart practically stops in my own chest.

"Kiba, no!! You'll kill yourself! Don't do it!" I cry out, clutching Akamaru tighter.

Ukon yells at him urgently, "You should listen to your little girlfriend! No, you fool! Stop!! Stop!!"

"Sorry, too late!"

"No!!" I cry out and go to stop Kiba as he plunges the knife towards his chest. However, Ukon throws himself out Kiba's body just in time.

I gasp as I rush over to Kiba and Ukon says, "That's not enough blood for a fatal blow..."

I crouch beside Kiba as he groans in agony and pulls out his kunai knife. "Kiba! Kiba, you idiot! What were you thinking?!"

He gives me a look which I understand right before he thrusts his kunai at Ukon. Ukon holds up his left arm and the knife embeds itself in it. I then do swift hand signs and hold up my arms, causing dust to rise. Sanna taught me this when I was living in the Land of Blossoms. The dust cloud conceals Kiba and I from Ukon.

We take that as our chance to retreat. Kiba leaves behind a fake Akamaru that's stuffed with weapons which'll explode as Ukon approaches it. We then go deeper into the chasm and hide behind a stalagmite.

I tell Kiba in a soft tone, my hand gently stroking Akamaru, "He's okay. He's still breathing." Kiba breathes a sigh in relief. "What do we do now?"

As the mist begins to fade, Kiba says to me, "You gotta go, Sakuya-chan."

My eyes widen as I protest, "What? No! I'm not leaving you—"

"You have to go," Kiba says more firmly, gazing at me steadily. "You've seen what these guys are capable of. I can't risk them fusing with you, too. You're too important to me. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you. Leave Akamaru with me and get out of here."

I gaze back at my injured boyfriend, hesitant about leaving him, especially in his condition. "At least let me heal you—" I begin but he cuts me off once again.

"Forget about me. You need to save your strength. Now, go!" Kiba urges. I bite my lip before giving in to his pleading gaze.

"Fine." I give him back Akamaru as Homura transforms. I quickly kiss his lips before pulling back, my own gaze pleading. "Come back to me."

"Always, princess," He promises with a toothy grin before I mount the nekomata.

With a final glance at my boyfriend, Homura launches into the air.

Third Person's P. O. V:

Kiba sniffs the air as he leans against a tree after having travelled by river to get away from Sakon and Ukon. He could hear Sakon stepping closer and was shocked that he'd caught up to him already.

But when his footsteps fade away, the Inuzuka breathes in relief, "That was close."

"What was?" Asks a voice from right in front of him.

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