Artino ♡

239 7 4

Ship: Shino x Artemis



It was 7pm on Friday the 1st of September 2023

School was finished and everyone was excited for the weekend

Dorm 8 however was excited for something else

Just Dance

Every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday, Dorm 8 participates in just dance, sometimes the magnet of dorm 3 would join aswell

Rikku and Shizu were always so enthusiastic about it, Artemis and Shino on the other hand.. were not

Shino just truely did not care for dancing, he saw no point in doing just dance, but participated to make his dormmate happy, and to spend time with his friends

Artemis however was a completely different situation, he hated dancing infront of people
He was very self conscious and did not like dancing around others
However Rikku and Shino pushed him to participate, Artemis does have fun but is still self conscious

Rikku always pushes Shino to dance with her
And when Artemis dances, Rikku and Shino always cheer him on
Artemis always appreciates the support from his friend, and of course his boyfriend

No ones POV:

"Go Artyyy!" Rikku cheers

"Your doing great Arty" Shino comments

After another minute Artemis finally finishes doing Starships for the 100th time

He sits down next to Shino and lays his head on his boyfriends shoulder, exhausted from all the dancing

Shino smiles softly and kisses Arty's head

A few more rounds later and Dorm 8 finally finish their Just dance marathon at 10:45 pm

"Alright you 2, time for bed" Shino says

"Awwwww" Rikku whines

"I'll get you mozzarella sticks tomorrow if you go to bed" Shino says

"*GASP* NIGHTTT" Rikku shouts as she runs downstairs and to her room

Shino chuckles

"Well that'll certainly get her to bed.."

Shino notices the silence and turns to look at his boyfriend, who's head is resting on the table

"Arty?" Shino says

No response

Shino walks over to his boyfriend and moves the oreo's head slightly

"Arty..?" Shino says in a soft tone

A small groan comes from the oreo

"Whatt.." The half-asleep cutie responds

"You sleepy?"


"Alright lets get you to bed" the lightbulb says while picking his boyfriend up, very easily might i add

Shino walks upstairs and lays Arty on his bed

The oreo snuggles the blanket while trying to cover himself with said blanket, it is rather cold upstairs

The glowstick kisses his boyfriends head, switches the light off then turns to leave

Suddenly a hand wraps around the tanned glowsticks arm

Shino turns to his boyfriend with a look of confusion

"Don't leave meee.. its colddd" his oreo says sleepily

The tanned man chuckles softly before laying beside his boyfriend and cuddling him

For the rest of the night all that could be heard was the two males breathing, and occasionally some kisses the lightbulb placed on the oreo while the oreo slept soundly



Ik that was really short and I'm sorryyyy
But I'll do a part 2 to it

I have an idea for it
I just can't be bothered doing it rn and i wanna publish atleast something rn

So ya you get some Artino

Hope you all enjoyed it

Ta ta for now

Word count: 537

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