Christmas list (Artino)

107 4 2

Shh ik its November 11th



Shino's POV:

I was sitting on the couch/sofa, one arm wrapped around Arty's waist, the other next to a bowl of popcorn
Rikku was out, so me and Arty decided to watch some movies
He wanted to watch disney movies, i do think they're a little.. immature, but whatever Arty wants

Every so often Arty would tap my leg, saying he wants some popcorn, so I'd get a few popcorn and feed them to him
We've been sitting here for about 2 hours now

Suddenly Arty's phone started ringing, i put both of our phones on the table so we wouldn't be tempted to go on them

Arty sat up slightly and grabbed his phone
Blake was calling him

He answered the call and put the phone to his ear

"Hello?" He says

"Uh I'm at the dorm with Shino?"
"Your-your coming over? Uh.. o-okay?"
"Uh yeah bye?"

He took the phone away from his ear and put it down

"She's coming over? Why?" I asked

"I'm not sure? She just said she's coming over and she's bringing someone?"

"Hm.. odd" i kiss his head and bring him closer to me

He lays his head against my chest and we both sit in silence, enjoying eachothers company

"We're here!"
She opens the door to our dorm and both me and Arty jump slightly

"Jeez Blake! Don't you know how to knock?" I say

"Sh, anyway we're here on very important matters" she walks in, Kol following behind here

"Why is he here?" I say

"Because he is, deal with it Shino" Blake says

"Yeah whats wrong? Don't wanna see your old best friend?" Kol says

I scoff and roll my eyes

Arty sits up
"So um.. why are you here?"

"Because... i need to know your guys' Christmas lists" she says

".... are you serious? Blake it's November" i say

"Doesn't matter"

She walks over, dragging Kol behind her and she sits next to me
Kol sitting next to Arty

"So.. Shino what would you like for Christmas?" Blake says

"What are you, Santa?" I say

"Who's Santa?" Arty says

We all pause and look at Arty

"You don't know who Santa is?" Blake says

"N-no? Should i?"

"I mean.. not necessarily, but most people do" Kol says
"Tho ig you did grow up in a place that wouldn't have had alot of money, therefore there was no point in you knowing who Santa is"

"True.." Blake says

"Santa is basically this guy that parents made up, ge comes into people's houses in the middle of the night and gives children presents" Blake says

".... he comes into peoples houses in the middle of the night?" Arty says
"That doesn't seem very safe.."

"Its not, but children don't know any better" Kol says

"Anyway, Shino, Christmas list?" Blake says

"I.. don't care?"

"Ugh your so annoying, Arty whats on your Christmas list?"

"Um... wait whats a Christmas list?"


"....Oh you poor poor boy" Kol says

"Wait awwww thats so saddd" Blake says
"A Christmas list is just a list of all the things you want for Christmas"

"Oh.. okay um.. i don't really know?"

"Hmmm.. maybe more sewing things? Maybe stuff from different designers, like Dior, Channel?" Blake says

"Um.. i mean ig but Dior and Channel are really expensive?"

"Arty, you forget Blake is RICH" i say

"Oh.. right"

"Alright so get Arty sewing stuff and expensive stuff.. got it" Blake says as she writes on a notepad
"And Kol i already have your stuff written down.. alright! Well thats all we needed" Blake gets up and pulls Kol up, then walks to the door

"Oh.. okay?" Arty says

"See you 2 laterr" Blake says as she leaves with Kol

".... well that was weird" i say


"Hm.. wanna go cuddle in my bed?" I ask

"Sure!" Arty says with a smile


i really miss kol and Shino's friendship
I love Christmas so much

Word Count: 670

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