Artino- Mermaid Au

91 1 4

Oh naur cleor


Shino's POV:

I was sitting on the dock, watching the sunrise
I wasn't able to get any sleep, my adoptive father, Angelo- or, database, is wanting me to be like him, a lord
But I'm not sure i want to..

As I'm lost in thought, out of the corner of my eye, i swear i see a splash
I look around in the water but i don't see any fish

Then out if the corner of my other eye i see a face, peeking over the dock
As i turn my head towards it it quickly goes down

"Hello?" I say

Who would be in the water at this time?

"Are you okay? Can i help you?"

Then i feel something nudge my foot, i turn to see a boy, a.. merman!?

"Hello.." he says quietly

He has half black and half white hair, purple eyes, pale skin, and purple gills, and from what i can tell- a purple tail aswell

"Uh.. hi?"

He mumbles something

"Huh?" I say
"I didn't quite hear you?"

"Artemis.." he says a bit louder
"My names Artemis.. not merman.."

"Oh.. i apologise, hello Artemis, um.. can i help you?"

"What are you doing?" He questions

"I'm just sitting watching the sunrise"


"Because.. I'm bored?"

"Whats it like to have legs" he says as he gently pokes my leg

"Um.. idk? Its.. nice? But sometimes they hurt or ache?"

"Hmm.." he ponders

He dives under the water for a few seconds then comes back up, this time he's between my legs

"Here" he hands me a bracelet

"Oh um.. thank you?" I take it

He looks at me expectantly

"... what?" I ask

"Are you going to put it on?"

"Oh um.." i put it on, on my left arm

He smiles
"I made it for you"

"You.. made it for me?"

"Mhm, I've been watching you for a while, you've just never noticed" he says while staring at me

"Oh.. uh, okay then"

We just continue to stare at eachother for a few more minutes

"Your pretty" he says

"Um, thanks"

"I like your eyes, they remind me of the.. the thingys, the ones that are in the ship wrecks, the fancy ships"

"Treasure? Gold?"

"Mhm! They remind me of that" he says

"Oh, thank you, your eyes are.. very nice, like uh.. purple topaz"

"Whats topaz?"

"A gemstone"

"Oh.. okay!" He smiles, cute..

Wait what
No not cute
He's not cute
He's a merman
I can't find him cute

Suddenly he leans his head against my leg, closing his eyes and smiling

My face goes red slightly

Maybe he isn't so bad..

I carefully lift my hand and pet his head, careful not to startle him

"Your cute.." i say

He opens his eyes and looks up at me
"Cute?" His face had gone very pink

"Mhm.. cute.." i say as i gently play and massage his hair

We stay like this for a few more minutes before i hear Database calling me

"I need to go now.. I'll see you later, okay Artemis?" I say as i carefully get up

"Oh, okay, bye bye Shino!" He says with a smile and dives down back into the water

Wait... i never told him my name....
how tf-


The condensation

I've never even seen H2O honestly

Anyway yeah, i got bored and.. ye
Also yayyyy adoptive dad Databaseee
I miss him 😭

Word Count: 580

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