The Hero Who Loved Him- Artino

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Future Artino


No One's POV:

It was 2pm on the friday before Christmas
The sun was shining brightly down onto a black and white bed
And onto a tanned man with ginger hair

The tanned man squints slightly as the sun hits his face
He slowly opens his eyes and looks at the ceiling
The plain boring ceiling

He moved his head and looked down at the peaceful sleeping man laying on the gingers stomach

The oreo snored quietly, arms wrapped around the gingers waist

The tanned man gently played with the oreo's hair, twirling it and very gently tugging on it

The oreo groaned slightly, moving his head and slowly opening his eyes

He buried his face into the tanned mans stomach, hiding his face from the sun

The ginger giggled

"Good morning love" he said, ruffling the 2 toned hair

"Mmh.." the oreo moved his head and looked up at the tanned ginger

The ginger gazed down upon his boyfriend

"Your so pretty baby" he says, admiring his oreo

Arty giggles
"Thank youu.." he says in a quiet voice

The oreo moved slightly and laid his head on the gingers chest
"Mmh... What time is it"

"Hmm.." Shino grabbed his phone and looked at the time

"2pm? So latee.."

"Well I'm still tired so"
Shino moves down and wraps his arms around Arty's waist, pulling him closer

"But its 2pmmmm" the oreo whines

"Oh well" the tanned man kissed the oreo's neck and played with his hair

"Mmmmh.. fineeee" the oreo snuggled into the ginger

"I love you" the ginger said, kissing the oreo's head

"I love you too.." the oreo said


Love Artinooooooo

Word Count: 280

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