Artino mwahahaha

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Listen okay
I'm bored
And i was reading Divergent earlier
So this is kinda based off of Tris and Peter's fight

Also anyone else have a massive crush on the actor who plays Four?
Just me?
Okay then...


No One's POV:

Class 1a and 1b where training with classes from another hero school
They all randomly got paired with someone from the other school, and hsd to fight them

Unfortunately for Artemis, he got a strong, stubborn person, who didn't let his opponents forfeit
And Artemis isn't all that strong, especially in a place with only 2 shadows, the 2 being his and his opponents

Everyone was routing for him
Even the teachers- which consisted of Venus, Avian, Ronin, and Database

But the one person who was most afraid

Was Artemis himself

"Alright, are you guys ready?" A teacher from the other school said

Artemis was standing, trying to not let his kneed buckle

His opponent was taller, had many muslces, and was practically built like the hulk- no maybe thats an exaggeration... he's built like the pro hero The Rock

Artemis was terrified

"In 3... 2... 1.... Go!" the teacher shouted

The both of them didn't move for a few seconds
Then the guy came running at Artemis

Arty quickly went into his shadow and hid in a nearby building on the training ground

He knew he wouldn't be able to even land a hit on the guy
So the only option was to run and hide until the teachers decide times up

He currled into a ball in a dark corner and hid, his head burried in his arms

A few minutes past and there was complete silence

Then all of a sudden he felt himself get picked up and thrown, he flew through the air and landed on the hard ground, probably bruising, possibly almost breaking a few bones

He opened his eyes and he was back at the starting place
He slowly sat up and held his head
His entire body hurt

Then he got kicked from behind and landed face first on the ground
He got up and touched his nose slightly, the pulled his fingers away and they where covered in blood

He could hear the guy running so he quickly dodged but lost balance and ended up falling over aswell

He quickly got up and ran, he just ran, he didn't know where too, he just ran

But unfortunately his opponent was faster

He caught up to Arty and pullled him back, punching him in the stomach and throwing him back to where they started

Arty layed on the ground, his body hurting badly, he felt like he was going go pass out, he glanced up slightly and saw everyone looking at him, worried and shocked
He saw Shino, who had his hand over his mouth, and wide eyes
Then he saw database..

He was looking at him, with certain eyes
Eyes telling Arty to get up, and don't give up, be strong

So Arty did...

He slowly got up, and turned to his opponent

He immediately started running at Arty
Arty shot a shadow at him that threw him backwards, but not hard enough

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