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This is literally just gonna be filled with headcannons about...
Anything in origins/fnafverse
Any ships
Any platonic relationships

I'm just tryna give ya'll something okay?
I haven't posted in a while and i have no motivation to continue writing the chapters that are currently in my drafts, which is like 3

Or don't
But please do
But i won't force you
But please


Light radiates heat, and because Shino's quirk is light, the light thingys on his hands and arms radiate heat, so he's practically a portable heater, so is Blake obv
The light streak in his hair also radiates a little bit heat, that light streak is always hotter than the rest of his hair, even if his hairs boiling, that streak is hotter

Artemis' skin always feels cold, so it's always freezing to Shino

Kol actually doesn't mind Artemis, besides the fact he doesn't like how shy Artemis is, he thinks Artemis' quirk is pretty cool, and thinks Artemis would be a good fashion designer

Shino and Artemis play StarDew Valley together
Artemis really likes Elliot and Sam
Shino really likes Sebastian and Abigail

Shizu really likes Percy Jackson and has all the books

Yuuto forces Kiyo to watch Disney movies with him

Kiyo, Kol, Shino and Artemis like Starwars

Artemis likes Bridgerton

Sapphire and Artemis collect crystals, if one of them is buying crystals they always make sure to get some for the other

Artemis loves all animals

Shino got Artemis a stuffed teddy and Arty sleeps with it every night, but always hides it because he's too embarrassed

Arty is quite good at fighting and often impresses the others during training
Even impressing Kol and all the teachers

Three of the teachers play different roles for Arty when he is training
Avian: teaches him how to move fast, for running away and for dodging and attacking.
Ronin: teaches him how to defend and attack, also how to hide.
Database: teaches him any little tricks, and also encourages Arty

this one's mainly Arty and about him (this is also if Shino and Arty still love eachother):

Artemis still sleeps with the stuffed teddy Shino got him

Artemis owns ALOT of animals
Such as dogs, cats, foxes, snakes, bunnies, chinchillas, spiders, birds, hamsters, ferrets, fish, horses, guinea pigs, gerbils, mice, iguanas, pigs, sheep, cows, sharks, bears, lion, tigers, panthers, scorpions, and turtles.
(He can own all of them because he's so rich and stuff)

Shino keeps a (fake) purple tulip on his bed-side table
Right next to a lockhart necklace that has a picture of Artemis in it

Artemis plans on adopting older children at some point, because he doesn't want them to feel like how he did

Artemis' dad is a villian

Artemis found out who his dad was through his mum, but he doesn't want to meet him

Arty wants to reconnect with Shino but doesn't know how to

Arty is REALLY good at fighting

The way Arty would get 'introduced' to the series is either something to do with his fashion business i.e: runway, news, or interview
Or it would be him fighting off a villian
No in-between

Fto (dead Ritchie):

Brandon and Devin grew closer because of Ritchie's death

David's slowly going insane and Ech and Lucas don't know how to help

Ritchie's death affected all 4 of the guilds

Oakley became very close with Devin and Brandon, because they knew his dad the best

Devin often goes to visit Oakley and Flurry to make sure they're okay

Yamitsu tried to get close to Brandon like he did with Ritchie, but Brandon closed himself off, and only opens up to Devin, Lucas and Flurry

Fto (alive Ritchie):

Yamitsu and Devin became father figures to Oakley

Ritchie often goes to visit Oakley at La Carnival

Oakley stays at both La Carnival and Divinus Magia, but mainly La Carnival

Ritchie often takes Devin out on dates

Brandon and Lucas kiss kiss mwa mwa

But also Darkwater (Lucas & Micheal)

Lucas, Micheal and Brandon mwa mwa kiss kiss

Ritchie always gets Devin soft toys(plushies) on dates

Oakley and Ech often have play dates

OoO(mainly Kaiba):

Bryan loves Taylor Swift

Kaiba loves Lana Del Rey


Riccaro watched Percy Jackson and showed it to Xylo, Mitch and Mario
Mitch kept saying how Poseidon was not a good father and that Percy Jackson was inaccurate

Kaiba has feminine hips, but my god the muscle on that cat
He is far to powerful
Ashara was impressed when they first trained together

Meri came back and made up with Kaiba (i miss him)
('Made up with Kaiba' as in romanticly)

Meri and Kaiba fucked
Multiple times

Bryan and Kaiba are besties

Ashara and Kaiba train occasionally
When they train Ashara goes full training mode, but making sure to not go all out as that would result in him seriously hurting Kaiba and also him ending the world
Kaiba goes all out

After they finish training Ashara immediately goes loving boyfriend mode and compliments Kaiba on how he did

If Kaiba ever gets hurts and is obviously hurting Ashara immediately goes to make sure if he's okay, not caring about the training

Kaiba often gets his jewellery from children of Ptah, the Egyptian god of craftsmen and maker of things
After he met Dranne he started asking Dranne to make Jewellery for him aswell, as Dranne is the son of Hephaestus, Greek god of craftsmen

Kaiba's jewellery is made from pure gold

Atlas' favourite uncle's are Kaiba and Ashara

Ashara teaches Femi things about his religion, and she takes note of every word (literally, she writes everything down)

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