it was an accident...

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I'm sorry for this
But i had an idea and now I'm making it
Not canon just a little thought i had

Past Artemis


No ones POV:

It was February 20th, and it was Artemis' 6th birthday

Usually around the age of 6, young hero's get their quirks
But Arty didn't know that

Young Arty was playing with his favourite caretaker, Miss Jones (named after my favourite teacher from primary school)
She was a very sweet women, she was very nice to Arty, and never judged him for looking different

"You having fun Arty?" Miss Jones asks

"Mhm!" Lil Arty says

"That's good"

They had been playing outside for a few hours, Arty loved the outside, he loved the beauty of nature and all its creatures

As Arty and Miss Jones where playing with rocks and sticks, Arty started to feel weird

He started to feel a slight burning sensation in his hands

Miss Jones noticed how Arty was acting off

"Are you okay Arty?" Miss Jones asks

"My hands kinda hurt.. and i feel weird" Arty says

"Oh? Here let me hold your hands" She says

Miss Jones walks closer to Arty and holds his lil hands

Arty looked up at Miss Jones and saw her smiling back down at him

Her lovely.... bright smile...

1 second she was there smiling at him
And then... she was on the floor.... dead....

Arty looked down at Miss Jones, shocked, scared and confused

Shadows had shot out of his hands and into her, and they pierced Miss Jones' chest aswell

Arty walked towards her

"Miss Jones?"

He looked at her
Her eyes where wide open, blood coming out of her mouth, and her chest not moving

"Miss Jones...?" Tears started to fall from Arty's eyes

"M-Miss Jones...?"

Arty kneeled next to her, he took her hand, and thats when he realised what he had done...

"Miss Jones...!?"

More tears started to fall from Arty's eyes
He hugged her tightly
Not wanting to let her go

"Arty, Miss Jones, time to come i-" Miss Rose walked out, but stopped, in shock and horror

"M-Miss J-Jones..." Arty said, crying

Miss Rose ran over to Arty and Miss Jones' corpse

"Artemis... what have you done.."

"I-I didn't mean to! I swear, i didn't! I-i didn't..."

Miss Rose closed Miss Jones' eyes and sighed

"It was an accident.... i swear... i-i didn't mean to..."

"I know Artemis... i know... you got your quirk at a bad time... it's not your fault..." Miss Rose said

Miss Rose took Miss Jones' body inside and sent Arty to go get himself cleaned up

After that day
Artemis hated himself
He killed someone
Someone who loved him

Everytime someone called him a villian, he'd always think back to that day
The day he killed his best friend

He was a murderer..
And he hated himself for it...


Word count: 488

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