Future Artino

146 3 5

MHE but its kinda like an au of my own
I just want Artino 😭


Please enjoy this



No ones POV:

Shino sat on a bench, scrolling on his phone, just doing anything to disract him from his boredom


"Hm?" Shino looked up at Ronin

"Remember, we have a.. fashion.. show, to attend" Ronin says

"Why do we even need to go to a... fashion, show?" Shino questions

"Because the top 5 pro hero's and their agencies have been requested to come see it, we've been told that this fashion designer might design clothes for 1 of the 5 agencies, and apparently he's really good.. so we need to go see if we want him to design for us, then he'll pick which agency he wishes to design for"

"Ugh... fine.."

Time skip- 1 hour later

Shino's POV:

I'm sitting in a crowd of people, right next to the runway
I still don't understand why I'm here but whatever

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and everyone else" the announcer starts
"May i introduce, the designer you have all come here for, the one, the only..."

"Artemis Divil!"

Wait.... what..

A person walks out of the curtains and across the runway

It's really him

He looks... incredible

As he walks, he smiles and waves to everyone
Then his eyes land on me
And he gives a soft smile

He walks to the end of the runway
Does a slight pose
Then walks back
His eyes glide to me again then he continues walking and exits the runway

Holy.. shit

Timeskip- after all the designs and models are shown

All the agencies are backstage, I'm in the corner, thinking about wtf i saw...

"Alright, listen up!" A lady says

"The boss has told me of his decision of which of you 5 he wants to work for"
"He didn't give me a reason as to why, but this was his immediate decision"

Please tell me he chose...

"The agency that will have Mr Divil working for them is.."

Please Arty....

"The number 2's agency!"

Holy shit, yes!

My agency clap and cheer, while i just stand there, smiling to myself

"Now if you guys want to go head up to Mr Divil's little office he has here, I'll take you there" she says

Ronin nods and she leads us upstairs and to a door

She knocks on it and a slightly mumbled 'come in!' comes from the other side

She opens the door for us and we all go in

Artemis is sitting in a chair behind a desk, multiple pieces of paper on said desk, and a small poodle mixed breed? on his lap

"Mr Divil, pleasure to meet you" Ronin says

"Oh please" his voice... its so... rich and.. slightly french?

"Call me Artemis, if anything i should be calling you Mr, Mr Okita" Artemis says

"No no its alright, if i can call you Artemis, you may call me Tazu"

"Why.. did you pick us? If i might ask?" Ronin asks

I see Artemis' eyes quickly glance at me then back at Ronin

"Well, Tazu, your agency just seems less.. whats the word... uptight?" Artemis says
"And well... wheres the fun in uptight? I need people who are.. fun and.. kind, to work with"

"Ah.. i understand" Ronin says

"Is that a poodle?" Echo asks

"Its a poodle and a chihuahua mix" Artemis says as he pets the dog

"Oh, cute" Gadget says

"Indeed, i have many pets"

"Woww, cool" Gadget says

"Anyway..." Ronin starts
"We shouldn't disturb Mr Divil any longer, we shall take our leave now, we'll see you tomorrow in our agency, yes?"

"Of course, i will have to have a room given to me, and then I'll need some things of mine moved there, but it should all be done in a day, i don't live to far from your agency so" Artemis says

"Alright, lets go guys" Ronin ushers everyone out

The other leave the building and start walking back, but i stay back slightly

"Shino? Aren't you coming?" Echo asks

"Hm? Oh um.. you guys go without me, I'll uh... I'll return home soon" i say

"Okay?" Echo says as he runs off and catches up with the others


I have to do this... sooner or later..

I head back inside, and up to his office
I knock on the door and hear a 'come in!'

I hesitate... then open the door..

"Oh, um.. hello, i did not expect it to be you at my door.." he says, now standing, carrying the dog

"Listen.. Arty-... Artemis.. i-..... I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not contacting you... I'm sorry i really am... i.. i miss you... i miss you so much... and now we're gonna be working together so i-.... i just had to come now.... I'm sorry if you didn't want to see me right now..."

His eyes seem glossy
He sets the dog down and walks over to me

And then...
I feel a pair of lips against mine
He's... kissing me

I quickly wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer
Never wanting it to stop

His hands are on my chest, and he's crying slightly
I let go slowly and look at him


"Oh Shino" he quickly hugs me tightly and crys into my shoulder

Tears fall down my face as i hug him back

After a bit he lifts his head, and kisses my lips again
The kiss was short, but sweet

I kiss his forehead and he leans his head on my shoulder again

Oh how i missed him desperately....


He missed him desperately
And I miss them desperately 😭
Please come back Artino
Please 😭

Hold on wait the word count is almost 1000
Wait lemme put random words so it gets to it

Wilbur Soot
Taylor Swift
Daveed Diggs
Lin Manual Miranda

There we go 🥳

Word Count: 1000

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