Uncle/brother-in-law Devin (Fto)

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But also Devin and Ritchie & Brandon's lil sis Amira

Also this is if Ritchie and Devin got together while in Salode (idk how to spell it)


Devin's POV:

Me and Ritchie where in his bedroom, him on his bed and me on his lap
I honestly have no idea how this happened

One moment i was rapidly confessing my feelings to Ritchie
Then I'm on his lap, kissing him

I won't lie it does feel nice..
One of his hands on my waist and the other in my hair, guiding me in the kiss
My arms around his neck

Its feels so nice..
Suddenly he breaks away from the kiss, leaving me disappointed and panting

He smiles at me and whispers
"I hear someone coming.. up the stairs, they might see us"

"I don't care Ritchie.." i say, returning the whisper

"Wow.. i didn't know you could be selfish?" He whispers in a joking manner

"I.. i can be selfish.. sometimes"

"Well lets atleast not let them see us kissing hm?"


Then Amira comes in but stops
"Oh um.. hi brother, and Devin"

"Oh Amira, hello, sorry we where um.." Ritchie starts

"Are you two boyfriends?" She asks

My face goes the same colour as my jacket

"Um... i mean.. we never technically said we where but... yeah?" Ritchie says

"Oh.. okay" she smiles and comes closer

I slowly get up off Ritchie’s lap, and stand infront of Ritchie, avoiding all possibilities of making eye contact with him

"Um i just wanted to come see uncle Devin" she smiles widely

"Uncle huh?" Ritchie says


"I think brother-in-law fits better" he comments

And with that my face goes even more red

"B-brother-in-law!?" I say

"Mhmmm" Ritchie smirks

"Oh okay um.. I'll just call you Devin" she smiles

I calm myself down and look at her
"Alright then" i say with a small smile

"Oh and i have this for you!" She hands me a flower crown

"Oh thank you Amira" i smile

"Mhm! Now i need to get back to my room.. I'm not supposed to be out this late"

"Well go go, we'll see you in the morning, oh also Amira, don't mention anything about.. me and Devin, to anyone, okay?"

"Okay!" And with that she leaves

A moment goes by and we're both silent
Until i speak up

"Did you have to say brother-in-law?"

"Yes i did, it's bound to happen one day" he smirks

Me face goes even more red again
I sigh, walk over and put the flower crown in the bedside table

"Come on, its late, lets get some sleep" Ritchie says as he takes his robe off

I blush
And take my jacket off
He hands me his robe and i hang them both up before walking back over and climbing into his bed

He pulls me close and cuddles me
My face right infront of his chest
His muscley.. amazing.. chest... so many abs.. so chiseled...
uh- anyway!

Eventually we both drift off to sleep
Me having only dreams about Ritchie


I don't remember when i wrote this
It's currently the 5th of November at 2am
Just letting you guys know i an off Wednesday and Friday next week soooo..
Maybe more updates? new drafts?

Word Count: 555

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