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I miss Revin 😭
Also this is an au? Where Ritchie is.. alive
Okay? Okay


Devin's POV:

I was in my garden, tending to my flowers, when i had the sudden urge I was being watching

'Thats because you are, idiot'

'Oh shut up Eden..'

Slowly i turned my head and see Ritchie standing there, staring at me

"Oh! Ritchie! I didn't know you where here" i say with a smile

He smiles
"Apologies for not making myself known, i simply wished to admire the beauty infront of me" he walks towards me

"Oh, well yes the flowers are very beautiful"

"Not.. those beauties, another beauty" he says, looking at me

"Oh? Then what are you referring to? Theres not many things around here, theres the flowers, theres me, theres-" i pause

Blush comes rushing to my face
"O-oh, i see"

He smiles and pats my head
"Your adorable Devin you know that?"


"Mmmhm" he kisses my head
"Your very adorable and cute, your a cutie"

Gosh why does this man have to make me blush so hard...

"Your my cutie.." he whispers slightly

I freeze
My face the same colour as the streak in my hair
My heart pounding faster than ever before

He chuckles
"Didn't mean to fluster you cutie, or... maybe i did, your never know" he winks

I chuckle slightly

"Well anyway i should probably go find my brother, make sure he's doing okay, i will be back later for you tho, okay?" He says

I nod

He smiles and kisses my lips
"Love ya, my cutie" and with that, he walks off

Why does he have to fluster me so much..

'This is so entertaining'

'Shut up Eden'

So so cuteee
I love them

Word Count: 300

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