it was an accident... part 2?????

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A part 2 that absolutely nobody wanted or asked for?


Arty's POV:

I was staring at floor
Slightly lost in thought

"And.. then you tried your best not to use your quirk after the accident?"

I look up at her
Shino took me to see a therapist after i told him about some things from my childhood

At first i didn't want to go, but he told me he'd be right beside me, so i agreed

"Oh um.. yeah ig.." i say

"Alright.. well thank you for opening up about it, I'm sure that took alot of weight off your chest" the therapist says, she seems nice..


Shino squeezes my hand slightly

We've been here for 3 hours.. but he's been next to me, holding my hand the entire time
He's so sweet...

"And you feel more confident using your quirk now?" She asks

"Um.. yeah"

"Why is that? If you don't mind me asking" she says

"Um.. I'm not really sure"
It's because i have a light to control my darkness
I have a sun to meet with my moon, and together an eclipse
It's because i have my amazing boyfriend who helps..
He is my light.. and my sun..

"Hm alright.. and you have good relationships? Good friendships?" She asks

"Oh um yes, many"

I feel Shino squeeze my hand
A small smile appears on my face, and some blush too

"Well i think we've been at this long enough, I'm really glad you came here and talked to me Artemis, i hope to see you again next week" she says

"Um.. yeah, it was nice meeting you"

Shino stands up and pulls me along with him
We bid her goodbye then we leave and start walking back to the dorm

"You did really good Arty.. I'm proud of you" Shino says

"Thank you Shino.."


Word Count: 313

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