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I am writting this at 3am on on Monday the 23rd October
I should be asleep rn but oh well

Vendi's POV:

I was waiting at my front door, Bryan and Gregory where supposed to be coming over, i already had most of their stuff moved here, but they where arriving with some of their other things

I was looking out the window, impatiently waiting
Why was i waiting for them at my window? I probably look kinda creepy..

Suddenly i see Bryan's red aston martin suv car pull up into my driveway
He told me one time when we where both drunk, well he thought i got drunk but actually i didn't have any of the alcohol
He told me about what type of car it is and how he got it, apparently one of his old friends, Jon, wrecked Bryan's old car but felt bad so got him a new one

He parks his car amongst my many cars, and him and Gregory get out with a couple bags and start walking

I go and open the door for them and greet them

"Hello Bryan, Hello Gregory"

"Hello Dr. Vendi" Gregory said with a smile

"Hi Vendi" Bryan said
"Sorry we took so long, there was traffic"

"Its alright, atleast your safe and here now"

I move and let them come inside

"Woahhh" Gregory says
Both him and Bryan looking around in astonishment

"Its so cool!" He says

"Well I'm glad you like it, would you like me to show you to your room? Then in the morning i can give you 2 the full tour"

"Mhm!" Gregory says

I walk upstairs, Gregory and Bryan following behind

I go over and open one of the doors

"Gregory this is your room" i say

He goes in
"Woahhh its so coollll"

"Mhm, why don't you unpack while i show your dad to his room?"


I shut the door and turn to Bryan

"Shall i show you your room?" I ask him

"Sure" he says with a smile

I hold his hand and lead him to another room, and i open the door for him

"Ooo" he goes in
"Its very nice"

"Mhm, what is it you normally say? Spared no expense?"

He chuckles
"Yeah.. thank you again Vendi, for letting us stay, i really appreciate it"

"Of course Bry, i could never let you and Gregory live in the park, you need a proper home, now my room is just at the closest end of the hallway, I'll see you later" i turn and head towards the door


"Hm?" I turn around to face him
"Is everything okay?"

"I um.."
He walks towards me

"I really do appreciate it.. and.. idk how i can tell you how much i do appreciate it.., so.. maybe i can show you?" He says

"Oh um, sure? What do you have in mind?"

Then he kisses me
A deep, long kiss

He takes my hands and puts them on his waist then he wraps his arms around my neck

The kiss continues for a few more minutes
And then we kiss again
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again

And then eventually it lead to more... spicy, things, thankfully Gregory's room was a couple rooms down, and that i closed and locked the door while we were kissing

It is now almost 4am on Monday the 23rd of October
The funny thing is, i won't be posting this in Monday so

Word Count: 600

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