Valentine | Artino

133 10 4

This is gonna be short because i can't be bothered writing much


Shino's POV:

I was sitting on the couch, playing video games

It was February 14th
Valentines day

Rikku was out with Shizu, like always

And Arty was downstairs, doing something in my room?
I'm not sure honestly
He just asked to go into my room as he's been there for hours

As I'm playing my games, a sudden realisation hits me

I never asked Arty to be my valentine....

I quickly put down my controller and run downstairs, to my door and open it

Arty's sat on my bed, sketching something
He looks up at me but before he can say anything i quickly blurt out


".... what?" He says, not being able to make out what i said

".. Artemis... willyoubemyvalentine"

That time he caught it

"Oh um.. yeah? I mean i thought considering we're dating we already.."

"Thats not how it works... surprisingly, but good, now we're valentines"

He smiles

I walk over to him and sit next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, and kissing the side of his head



Word Count: 190

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