Don't tell ANYONE, especially Shino..

253 8 1

Kinda short sorry
I had the idea to make this and i finally did it


No Ones POV:

It was the last class on a Friday afternoon
And the Monarch students where all in class

Except 2...

The sun was blazing through the windows of the Library
And at one of the tables, was a sleeping oreo

Kol's POV:

I walked around the halls, skipping class, being bored

I walked into the Library to hide from teachers
Glanced out the window of the door then walked further into the Library

..... um
Is that.. Artemis? In.. the Library? During.. class time?? Wtf

I walk over to the table where Artemis is sitting and glance over at him
Oh.. he's asleep

I shake him slightly to make sure he's not dead

He groans

Okay he's not dead thank god
Shino would kill me if Artemis was dead

I shake him more

"Artemis.. wake up"

He slowly lifts up his head and groans, and covers his eyes from the sun


"You fell asleep, in the Library, its class time rn"

"Wait what!?"

"Yeah, your supposed to be in class rn"

He pauses and thinks for a moment

"Aren't.. you.. also supposed to be in class?"

"Well yeah but i really don't care"

He properly sits up and rubs his eyes, grabs his glasses and puts them on

"Mmh... ig I'll go apologise to Mr Avian.."

"Hmmm, nah thats boringg"

"... huh?"

I grab his arm and pull him up

"Grab your bag and lets go, we're gonna go wander around"

"But.. isn't that like.. bad? Won't we get in trouble?" He says as he grabs his bag

"Only if we get caught"

I grab his arm and we leave the Library

No Ones POV:

Kol and Artemis wander the halls, carefully avoiding teachers and other students

Kol draging Artemis while Artemis quickly follows behind Kol

Kol drags Arty up to the roof and to the edge and they sit down in silence

Peaceful silence
Almost as if they where good friends

"Don't tell anyone that this happened"

"I won't" Arty promised

"Especially, Shino" Kol Demanded

"I won't"


Word Count: 357

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