Mho, wonderland AU

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This is based off of a piece of fanart i saw while scrolling Bryan's Mho fanart discord server

Imma be honest i don't remember much of Alice in wonderland
I never watched the original
I've only ever seen the one with Johnny Depp in it
So this might not be the best

Btw, Rikku is Alice


No Ones POV:

As Rikku fell down the hole, she passed many strange things

Finally after what seemed like days
She softly hit the ground
And then got up

She looked around and saw a small door
A door too small for even her to fit through

She turned and spotted a table, with a small bottle on it, and a piece of paper attached to the bottle
The paper reads 'drink me!'

Rikku was hesitant
But drank anyway
And suddenly everything around her started getting bigger
Or maybe.. she was getting smaller

After a few seconds she was the size of a chess piece
She ran to the door, then remembered, she didn't have the key

She looked back at the table to see the key, on said table, said table which she could not reach

She looked beneath the table and saw a piece of cake, with a piece of paper next to it that read 'eat me!'

Again, hesitant, yet she ate the cake
Then suddenly she got ALOT bigger
Almost too big for the room
She grabbed the key then drank from the now smaller bottle
And she was back to the size of a chess piece

She ran to the door, unlocked it, and went throught it

What she didn't know was that there was no platform on the other side of the door
She was falling
At an increasingly high speed

She panicked, and screamed
Scared she would fall to her death
She closed her eyes tighly
Hoping for it to be peaceful

Suddenly she felt herself in someones arms, in a princess carry

She opened her eyes to see a pale man, with half white, half black hair, purple eyes, and cat ears?

"You really should be careful Miss, your lucky i caught you" he says as he puts her down

"Oh um th-thank you.. um... who.. are you?" Rikku asks

"I go by many names... Umbra, The Cheshire cat, or.. Artemis, or Arty, whichever you prefer" the cat says with a smile

"Arty... interesting... um, I'm Rikku"

"Oh i know who you are Rikku... we've been expecting you for quite some time now"

"We?" Rikku asks

"Yes, me and the others, they're all currently waiting for you at the tea party, well.. almost all.." as Arty says that, a sorta pale person, with brown hair that has red and blue in it, red and blue eyes, and rabbit ears and a tail walk through some bushes muttering to themself

"I'm late... oh no I'm late.... late for a very important date..." the person mutters

"Shizu, welcome, finally" Arty says

"Hm!? Oh! Hello Arty" Shizu says with a smile
"Who's this?" They ask, referring to Rikku

"This is who we've been waiting for Shizu" Arty replies

"Wait... really!?"


"Wow thats so cooll" Shizu says, clearly interested in Rikku

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