My Dystopian Story (Fto)

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So, um... i wrote this essay in English class
And i decided... to share it with you guys
I didn't bother editing it, I literally just copy and pasted it... and its over 2500 words long so... yeah no

Anyway i did have to refrain from.. gay, cause it was in English class sooo..

But i hope you enjoy it anyway

(Btw its all in 3rd person and the main character is Devin)


Long ago, there was a country called Atlantide. Atlantide was a fancy, well run country, until a disastrous war broke out. The Great War was between different citizens of Atlantide, many took sides, while some chose to hide from it all. The Great War lasted 5 years, until finally one leader was killed, the leader's army was soon captured and imprisoned, and all the other groups soon fell. To ensure war never broke out again, the citizens of what once was a magnificent country, created factions. Factions of different eye colours, there where 7 factions all together. The first faction was Blue, Blues were deemed the superior colour, the second faction was Purple/Red, purple/red were only found on albinos, so there weren't as many purple/reds as there were blues. The third faction was Green, the fourth was Grey, the fifth was Hazel, and the sixth was Brown. The Browns were deemed as the “servants” of the factions, they could be found in every faction, but rarely their own. The seventh faction was for the outcasts, the ones who disobeyed, and the ones who didn’t have any of the colours.

30 years later... there was a boy, a boy with red clothes, a red streak in his hair, and everything he owned was red, he lived In the Blue faction, with the rest of the Blue-eyed people. He was called Devin Seabrook. He was 20 years old, and lived with his older brother, Micheal Seabrook, he was 24 years old, he also had blue eyes. Micheal, like his brother, also had a different coloured streak in his hair, except his was purple. Devin lived a happy life in the Blue faction, never once worried about anything, besides his looks. Everything in Devin’s life was perfect... almost everything. It was a lovely sunny day, Devin was on a walk admiring the beautiful nature. When his brother left almost every day, he went on walks to kill time. Micheal would usually leave at 6am and come home at 6pm. It was a routine at this point: wake up at 8am, have breakfast, get dressed, make his bed, make Micheals bed, leave for a walk, go have lunch, come home and wait for Micheal. Suddenly, while he was lost in thought, he stumbled across an alley way that he had never seen before, at first he was going to ignore it, but he heard something come from the alley, or someone... He turned his head to the alley and peered in it, he couldn’t see, but he could hear voices, one of which sounded like his brother. Suddenly there were footsteps, and Devin hid behind a bin as 2 men stepped out of the alley. One of the men was tall and had blue hair and gold eyes, the other man was in fact Micheal. Both men were wearing cloaks with the hoods up. “How will we do this? We have a lot of people, yes, but it won’t be enough” Micheal said. “I’m aware, but if we gather the rest of the low-class factions, we can do this, we just need to convince them” the Blue haired man said. Micheal walked away in the direction of the rundown bar, the blue haired man glanced at the bin, where Devin was hiding, then followed after Micheal. Devin was shocked, his brother was working with someone from the 7th faction? He looked over at the rundown bar, where he saw the blue haired man looking back at him. The man then went into the bar, leaving the door slightly open, almost as if he wanted Devin to follow. Devin thought for a moment, should he go? He might stumble into something that he doesn’t want to see. But then again... Micheal’s working with them, and he’s only 4 years older, and that mysterious blue haired guy wants him to follow, so surely it can’t be that bad? Right? Devin rushed back home and quickly made a plan, he would wake up earlier than usual, and follow Micheal when he left. It’s a risky plan, but Devin is determined to find out what his brother is doing. The next morning Micheal left at 6am, like always, but this time Devin would follow after him. As Micheal was walking to the alleyway, Devin followed a bit behind, careful not to get caught. Micheal walked into the alleyway and Devin hid behind the bin again, then he heard the same voice again, the blue haired man's voice. “Micheal, I’ve decided to bring my brother along this time” the man said. “Yes... It’s good to see you Brandon, so... are we still going along with the plan?” Micheal said “Of course, we have to at least try to save the citizens” a different voice said, which Devin assumed was this Brandon person. “Fine fine, but if this doesn’t work, I'm blaming you two” Micheal said as he left the alleyway and went back to the rundown bar. “Don’t mind him, he’s always like that” The blue haired man says as him and a white-haired man walk out.  “Yes, he’s bound to come around eventually” Brandon says. “Indeed, I've heard his brothers a lot nicer” The blue haired man says as he glances at the bin, the one Devin is hiding behind. “Yes... indeed, the Seabrook siblings are the talk of the Blue faction, they’re talked about everywhere Ritchie” Brandon says. “Indeed, that’s what makes them so special, the younger one has a lot of potential...” Ritchie says as he glances at the bin again. “Well, best not keep the others waiting” Ritchie says as him and Brandon walk to the Bar. Brandon goes in first, Ritchie last, and again Ritchie glances at Devin and leaves the door slightly open.

The bar was made of wood and stone, it looked like it had been built centuries ago. The door was covered in moss, spider webs and bugs, Devin carefully opened the door and peeked inside. It was dark, the only light coming from the door and a few broken bits in the roof and walls. He walked further into the bar, being careful not to step on the loud wood, he then noticed a trap door in the corner of the room, he walked over to it and slightly opened it. There were steps that led down to hallway, he went down the steps and looked around. At the end of the hall was a door, slightly open, with light coming out of it, he walked over and peeked in, seeing a group of people in cloaks, including his brother, Ritchie, and Brandon. The group of cloaked figures were talking about stopping the leaders and saving everyone. “Micheal... your brother would be help to us, he has a big influence on citizens of the Blue faction” Ritchie said. “No! I will not have Devin get caught in this mess! He is the only family I have left... I can’t lose him!” Micheal shouts. Ritchie glances at Devin then looks away quickly. “Very well, but I’m sure if he found out what we’re doing, what his own brother is doing, he’d want to help” Ritchie says. Micheal pauses for a moment, “Perhaps, but still... I am his older brother, I know what’s best for him, I can’t have him ending up like our parents...” Micheal says, his voice lowering at the end. “He’ll be find Micheal, Ritchie’s just trying to get more recruits, that’s all” a man with tanned skin and dark brown-ish red-ish hair says. The group all start walking towards the door, and Devin quickly hides behind a curtain. The group all leave except Ritchie. “This is dangerous stuff we’re doing here Devin, are you sure you want to know?” Ritchie says. Devin comes out from his hiding spot and walks into the room. “What do you mean dangerous?” Devin asks. “Well... you heard what Micheal said, he doesn’t want you getting hurt, or worse...” Ritchie pauses “He doesn’t want you to join because he knows you could die, like your parents... they failed and died doing what we’re doing, but we’re going to succeed this time” Ritchie says. “What exactly is it that you're doing?” Devin asks, walking towards Ritchie. “We’re trying to get rid of the leaders and have everyone united, no factions, just what once was a normal life” Ritchie says. “No factions? Won’t that be dangerous?” Devin asks. “Yes... but it means everyone will be free, like before” Ritchie says. “I suppose it doesn’t sound too bad... but will it really work?” “Ah well I hope so, it should but it could always backfire” Ritchie says, a slight joking tone in his voice. “Hmm... true” Devin says “So... do you want to join? Help us save the citizens” “i...” “Hey Ritchie have you seen my-” Just as Devin is about to answer, Micheal walks in. “... Devin...” Micheal says, with anger in his voice. “What... are you... doing here...”  “I... um... I want to join! I want to help. I don’t want the citizens to suffer anymore!” Devin shouts. “...No” Micheal says coldly. “No...?” “No, Devin” Micheal walks towards Devin and grabs his arm “I’m not gone let you do this” Micheal says. “But why?” Devin asks. “Because you can’t do this Devin...” “But why!?” Devin pulls his arm back away from Micheal “I want to do this! I want to help!” Devin shouts. “Devin, No!” Micheal shouts back. “But I want to help!” “No Devin!” “I hate you!” Devin shouts and runs out of the room, up the stairs, out the bar and back home.

A few weeks later... Micheal finally let Devin join, after a few begs, pleases, and tears. “Alright... Is everyone ready?” Brandon asks. “Yeah, we’re ready” the man with dark brown-ish red-ish hair says, the man who Devin became good friends with, Lucas. “Alright, well let’s do this” Ritchie says. “The plan is, we’re going to infiltrate the Leaders building, we’re going to tie them up, then we’re going to make them free everyone, simple enough?” Ritchie says, everyone nods and agrees. “Alright, let’s go”

The Leaders Building is where all the faction's leaders live, not including the 7th faction’s leader, no one knows where they are. It’s a big, grand building, scattered with guards everywhere. “Alright, David, Bryan and Mitch will take care of the guards, Andy, Lucas, Blake and Jericho will stand guard, the rest of us will head inside” Ritchie says. The rest of them head inside while the other 7 stay outside. They quickly look around, trying to find any of the leaders, Ritchie and Brandon at the front, Micheal behind them and Devin next to Micheal, with Micheal holding Devin’s arm, trying to make sure he stays with him. Footsteps come from a room to the groups left, and they all stop. “Stay back... don’t make a noise...” Ritchie whispers. Voices from the room echo through-out the hall. “I mean... I doubt they’ll do anything, they’re the brown faction, what can they do?” a man says. “ I mean that’s true... but still, they could do something Patrick” another man says. “Patrick’s the Purple/Red faction’s leader, he’s very full of himself” Ritchie whispers. “In 3, we go in there and tackle them, okay?” Brandon whispers. Everyone nods. “Okay... 3.... 2... 1!” Brandon says. Everyone runs in and tackles them, in a few moments Patrick and the other person are on the ground tied up. “Alright... let’s see who we have here... Patrick, leader of purple/red faction, and... Eden, leader of Blue faction” “Wait... Eden!?” Micheal shouts. “You know him?” Ritchie asks. “He’s... my other brother...” Micheal says. “What!?” Devin shouts. “Eden... is Devin’s twin brother... it thought he died...” “My twin!?” Devin screams. “As great as this is, this really isn’t the time for a family reunion” Brandon says. “Right... I’ll deal with you later Eden...” Micheal says. “Sure sure” Eden says. “We need to find the other leaders now” Brandon says. “You guys go ahead... I'll make sure Eden doesn’t leave...” Micheal says. “I’ll stay and keep Patrick here” Jakey says. “Alright, keep them there, question them if you can” Ritchie says. The rest of them leave and continue looking for the other leaders. They walk up the stairs and find the grey leader, and the hazel leader. They tackle them, and two other people stay with the leaders while the rest of them go to find the last 2. They look around, searching for the Green and the Brown leader, but they aren’t having much luck. More guards, some servants, even guests, but no leaders. They look around some more, then they stumble across a room with two voices coming out of it. They peek into the room and see the green leader and the brown leader, talking. Like they did with the other four leaders, they tackle them. Once they gather all the leaders together, they start the questioning. “How do we free everyone?” Ritchie asks. “Why would you want to? Life like this is better, is it not?” The Green leader says. “No of course not, everyone is divided, it is fair” Brandon says. “Life isn’t fair” Patrick says. “Doesn’t matter, we’re freeing them, whether you like it or not” Ritchie says. “Come now Ritchie, as a leader, do you really want them free?” Eden says. “Leader?” Micheal says as he looks at Ritchie. “Ritchie what does he mean, leader?” “I...” Ritchie starts. “I’m sorry I never told any of you about this...” “Wait... Ritchie, are you... the 7th faction leader!?” Devin asks. “... yes... I am” Ritchie says.

“There’s no time for this! We have to free the people, we can deal with this later!” Brandon says. “Right... so? How do we do this” Ritchie asks the leaders. “Ugh... well, there’s a button on the top floor, if you press it, it’ll remove the walls” Eden says. “But... only one of the six leaders can open it” “Only one of the six leaders? Great...” Ritchie says “Ughh... if you guys want... I can help...” Eden says. “Really? You'd help us?” Ritchie says. “Well to be honest, everyone being together does sound better than the factions, it is extremely dangerous though” Ritchie thinks for a moment before replying. “Alright then, untie him and let’s go” Micheal unties Eden, and Eden gets up. “Alright alright, I'll show you where it is, follow me” Eden says and starts walking. Eden leads the group up all the stairs and to a room. “In here” Eden says, and opens the door. Inside is a glass box, inside the box is a big red button. “Of course, it’s a red button” Brandon says. Eden walks over and opens the glass box. “Now... are you certain you want to do this?” Eden asks. “We’re certain” Ritchie says. “Alright...” Eden says, he glances at Micheal, and Micheal holds onto to Devin’s arm. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you...” Eden says, then presses the button. It’s only silence for a few moments. “That’s it?” just as Ritchie asks that, the building starts violently shaking and some bits start crumbling. “I warned you” Eden says and quickly runs over to Devin and Micheal. “What’s happening!?” Lucas asks. “I told you, the walls are disappearing, into the ground... and the buildings being broken down with them”
To be continued

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