Mho Christmas Special

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Artemis' POV:

I was in my bedroom, looking at my reflection in the long mirror Blake bought me

I was wearing black jeans, a white corset top, and a-.... Shino's, unbuttoned red tartan plaid shirt

My nails have been painted red, and small candy canes drawn next to my eyes

Today was Christmas
We where supposed to spend it with Shizu and Rikku but they went to Rikku's mums house

So it was just me and Shino in the dorm
And he said he had a special gift for me? Whatever that means

I grabbed my lipstick and started putting it on
Looking at myself in the mirror as i do so

As i do i hear a knock on my door

"Come in!" I say

After i say that Shino comes in
He's wearing dark red jeans with some rips in it, and a grey baggy shirt

"Well.. you look gorgeous" he says

I giggle
"Thank you Shino"

I finish putting my lipstick on and close it

Shino comes up behind me and hugs me, kissing my neck and cheek

"Why are you getting so dressed up? Its just me?"
"Unless your getting dressed up for me?" He smirks slightly

I giggle
"No no, i just wanted to feel pretty" i say

"You always look pretty baby" he kisses my cheek

I smile
"Thank youu" i say and i kiss his cheek

he chuckles and looks in the mirror
"Welp, guess I'll have this lipstick mark on my cheek forever"

I giggle

I turn slightly and start planting kisses all over his face
And the last kiss i leave is on his lips

"There we go" i smile

He stands up properly and puts his hands on my waist

"So, what shall we do today on this Christmas?" He asks

"Um... I'm not sure.."

All of a sudden theres a knock on the front door

"Oh? I wonder who that is? Everyone said they where busy.." Shino says

We both go downstairs, hand in hand

He goes to open the door but stops

"Actually... you should probably do it.. probably shouldn't answer the door looking like this"

I chuckle and nod

I go and open the door

"Oh hi Blake!"

"Hi Artemis! Ooo you look nice"

"Thanks! So do you"

"Thank you"
"I just came to drop off this present for Rikku" she says

"Oh okay!" I say and take the present

"Also where's Shino?" She asks

"Um... he's... busy! Mhm!"

"Hmm.." she raises an eyebrow and looks me up and down
"Suree.. okay"
"Anyway I'll see you later Artemis, bye" she says and leaves

"Bye!" I say and shut the door

"Ugh, I'm just glad she didn't come in, she would've made fun of me so much.."

I giggle
"Its alright"

I go and put the present on the table then go back over to Shino

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead

"Your so pretty Arty.." he says

"Thank you.. your very handsome"

He chuckles
"Thank you.."

"So um... whats this special present you had for me?" I ask and look up at him

He smirks
"Its better if i show you.." he says as he leads me downstairs to his bedroom


I'm terrible at writting smut so..

Merry Christmas
Merry Chrima
Merry crises
Merry christler

Word Count: 562

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