Guess what ship this is about

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Nah I'm /j

Its Artino
Like always

9 days till Christmassssss 🥳
.... shit i still have a revin Christmas fic to write...


Arty's POV:

It was a sunny day(even though it's winter)
I was sitting in the dorm, at the table, sewing some things

Rikku was out with Shizu, like always

And Shino was on the couch, playing some game? Call of... Something idk

We hadn't spoken in a few hours
Atleast not to eachother

Shino would always talk when he got frustrated with the game or when he won something

I'd just mutter under my breath when i was struggling

As i was threading the needle through the material
I felt something stab my finger

A gasp leaves my mouth, i quickly glance down and see that my needle pierced my finger and now its bleeding

I quickly get up and go to the sink, going to rinse off the blood

Shino glances up and me and turns his attention away from the game

"Are you alright Arty?"

"Mhm! Just pricked myself with the needle"

He gets up and goes over to me, examing my finger which is now under the cold running water

He goes into one of the cupboards and grabs a medkit
Taking out a plaster/bandaid and opening it

I dry my finger with a towel and turn to him

He gently takes my finger and puts the plaster/bandaid on it

He lefts my finger up to his mouth and gently kisses it, smilling

"There we go.. all better"

I smile widely
"Thank you"

He glances at the clock mario made for us, it tells us the time, and also for what time we have things planned
Or when school starts again, and ends

"Geez is it 3pm already? We've been here for 5 hours" he says in disbelief

"Hm? Oh i guess we have.."

"Hmm.. how about, we go out? On a date? We haven't gone on one in a while"

"Didn't we go on one last week?" I say

"Exactly, we have to have a date atleast once a week"

I giggle
"Okay then, where will we go?"

"Hmmm.. how about the park? Nice and calming"

"Okay! Sounds fun"

"Well lets go then" he says as he kisses my nose

I giggle and nod

Time skip because i want to:

Me and Shino where walking next to the grass, holding hands

"Ooo wanna get ice cream?" He says

"Ooooo yes please!"

"Alright lets go! and don't worry, I'll pay" he says as he drags me with him to the ice cream van

He got us our ice cream
Me getting caramel, while he gets oreo

I taste my ice cream and groan in delight

"So gooood" i say

He chuckles
"Is it really that good?"

"Mhm! You should try some"

"Hmm.. okay.."
He slowly leans in towards my face

"Um, are you gonna-"

He cuts me off by kissing me
A short but passionate kiss

He slowly pulls away, smirking

"Hm, it is quite good actually"

My face turns red

"I-i didn't mean like that!"

"Are you complaining?"

"I-..... no..." i mumble

"Good" he says and kisses my head


Well, it's been a while since i first started writing this


also I've been watching heartstopper
It's really making me wanna confess to my crush


Word Count: 560

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