chai latte (Brendi)

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My first ever chai latte story
Lets goooo


Vendi's POV:

We where laying on my couch, watching a movie
Some movie called Red, White & Royal Blue?
I've never heard of it before, but Bryan chose it so

We where near the end of the movie
And i feel Bryan go slightly limp
I look down at him to see him fast asleep


I turn off the movie, pick him up, and walk to my bedroom

I put him down on my bed and lay down beside him
I pull him closer to me and wrap my arms around his waist
And slowly, i fall asleep too

Bryan's POV:

"You.. What!?" She shouts

"I-... I'm gay! I am gay mother!"

"No... no i refuse to except this! You are not gay! I will not have my only son be gay!"

"But i am!"

"Bryan, thats enough, your just confused" he says

"No I'm not! I know who i am! I know what like! I! Am! Gay!"

She slaps Bryan across the face

"If you are going to continue to act this way then you can get out of my house!"

"Wh.. what...?"

"No son of mine shall be gay! So get! Out!" She shouts

"You heard your mother, go gather your things, and get. Out." He says

"B-but father.."


Bryan runs upstairs and to his room
Once he enters he slams his door and fall to the floor

"Why won't they except me.."

He currled up on the floor in a ball
Continuing to sob.

I suddenly bolt awake
God why must i have these stupid nightmares

I look to my side to see a sleeping Vendi
He looks so peaceful.. i don't want to disturb him

I slowly and carefully get up and head downstairs to the kitchen to get some water
I grab and glass and turn the tap on
Filling the glass up almost completely with cold water
I take a sip and slowly set the glass down
I'm completely shaking
I can't stop..

I'm lost in thought until suddenly i feel arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder

"What are you doing up hun?" Vendi whispers

"Oh i uh.. had a nightmare" I say.. returning the whisper

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I'd rather not.."

"Okay" he says and kisses my cheek

"Come on.. lets go back to bed Bry" he unwraps his arms and holds my hand

I nod and grab the glass of water

He must notice that I'm shaking because he grabs the glass with his other hand and takes it from me

"Come on" he kisses my hand then leads me back upstairs to his bedroom

He puts the glass on the bedside table and leads us both back into bed

He wraps his arms around my waist and i wrap mine around his chest

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too"

Slowly i drift off to sleep, in the comfort of my boyfriend


Word Count: 505

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