Brypu ♡

163 5 1


This will be short but hey
Atleast I'm posting 👍🏻


No ones POV:

The mansion was quiet

Atlas was out, visiting his uncle Kaiba and uncle Ashara
Femi was reading outside in the garden
Lotus was sleeping
Bryan was cooking
And Inpu was working in the office

Eventually Bryan got bored and decided to go check on his fluffy husband

He went into the office and looked at his husband, Inpu was writing with a quill on a piece of paper
He looked very concentrated and peaceful

Bryan walked over to Inpu, somehow not being noticed, and hugged his husband from behind

Inpu jumped slightly then relaxed at the familiar feeling of his husbands skin

"Oh, hello angel" Inpu says

"Hello puppy" Bryan says as he kisses Inpu's head

Inpu continued writing, he had already done 30 pages

"Take a break" the angel said softly

"Bryan I've got so much on my plate.."

"There's a place i know" Bryan says

"I know.." the jackel responds

"At a nearby beach"

"I'd love to go.."

"You and I can go when the night gets dark"

Inpu sighs
"I will try to get away"

Bryan smiles, kisses Inpu's head then leaves and heads back to the kitchen

Inpu chuckles softly then get back to work, working 5x faster, as to try and be able to spend time with his beloved


Take a breakkk 🎶
Eliza I've got so much on my plate
We can all go stay with my father 🎶
Theres a lake ik🎶
Ik.. 🎶
In a nearby park 🎶
I'd love to go..
You and i can go when the night gets darkkk 🎶
I will try to get away

Gotta love hamilton 👍🏻

Word Count: 289

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