ANGST FTO Christmas Special

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I miss Revin....

Anyway Angst ✌🏻😙✌🏻
And fluff
But also angst 😁


No One's POV:

It was the morning of Christmas
And all the guilds where so excited for the day
All except one..

Brandon's POV:

I was walking around the island
Distracting myself from my thoughts

It's Christmas
Another Christmas without my brother here..

Everything changed when he died
Everyone became more depressed
I think especially me and Devin

Lucas tried to cheer up the guild
But nothing ever worked
Is this what it was like when i was gone?

Because i wasn't dead...


I turn to see Lucas jogging towards me

"Hello Lucas, come to try cheer me up again?" I say

He stops infront of me
"Eh.. no.. i just.. wanted to see how you where doing, it is Christmas after all" he says

I sigh

"I am doing as well as i can"

"Right.. i know i ask this every single day but... is there truly anything i can do to help?"

I go to answer but i hesitate

"Well... perhaps there is.. something.." i say

He looks up at me
"Really? Sure I'll do whatever"

I grab his hand and take him into the guild hall, and up to my bedroom

I take us in and try to avoid looking at the other side of the room

I drag him over to the purple side and i stop

"Um.. so what is it you need me to do?"

"Close your eyes" i say

"Oh uhh.. okay?" He says as he closes his eyes

I take a deep breath

I'm about to lean in when my eyes land on Ritchie’s bed

Immediately i feel my eyes start to water
And my breathing becoming shaky

Lucas must notice because i see his eyes start to flutter
As he opens his eyes i quickly lean in

Connecting our lips

He stops and freezes
Looking at me with shock, love, and concern

The kiss lasts a few more seconds before i pull away

He looks up at me, still shocked

"I.... Brandon.. your crying"

I just kissed him.. yet his immediate response is worry..

"I- i know... i looked at-... I'm fine.."

He glances over his shoulder at that side of the room
Then back at me

He cups my cheeks and kisses the corners of my eyes
Kissing the tears away

"Maybe you should get some rest"

"Right.. i will"

"I'll check on you later okay?" He says

I nod

With that he leaves

So... nothing about the kiss?
Okay then..


But also Brandon x Lucasssss
But also ANGST

Word Count: 440

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