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Wow.. my 5th Artino chapter

Is it obvious what my favourite ship is??

Shino's POV:

It's a Wednesday afternoon
I'm currently making my way home from volleyball

I'm sweating
I'm exhausted
And I'm still in my uniform, cause i forgot a change of clothes at the dorm

Rikku is at the cafe club right now, and then she'd be staying at Shizu's dorm for the night
So it would be just me and Arty... tho he's currently at the cafe aswell

"*gasp* Shinoo!" I hear behind me

I turn to see.. shit he's in his maid outfit

"Oh um... hi.. Arty" i try my hardest not to let my eyes wander
"Aren't you supposed to be at the cafe?"

"Oh well yeah but i got let off early today!" He says, smiling widely

"Ah okay, well come on, lets head to the dorm" i say

He grabs my hand and we continue walking
Its so hard not to stare at him..

We get to the dorm, i grab my keys, unlock the door and go inside, holding the door for Arty so it doesn't shut on him

He walks in, his dress squishing slightly, due to it being too big for the door

Gosh he looks so amazing..

"You should go take a shower Shino, you look hot"

.....I look.... what!?

"H-huh?.. hot...?"

"Yeah? You look like hot and sweaty" he says

"Oh right... uh yeah ig" i kiss his head, and go downstairs to take a shower

Arty's POV:

He looks so hot...

The way his shirt sticks to him, showing off.. his abs..

Omg omg omg

No no, stop thinking like that Artemis
Stop thinking about how hot and amazing he looks..

I should go get changed! Yep! I'll go do that

Timeskip- after Shino's shower

I changed into a light purple top, and some black joggers/sweatpants, with black and white socks
I'm sitting at the kitchen table, waiting

I hear the shower turn off and the door open and close
Then i hear footsteps come up the stairs and Shino-

..... holy shit he's only wearing a towel

"Hey Arty, i see you got changed"

I just continue staring at him
Omg his chest
He's practically naked
And the towel...
Its so low...

"Artyy?" He walks closer


"You okay? You... seemed lost in thought?" He asks

"Mhm! I-I'm okay!"

I try not to glance down, but its so hard not to...

Shino looks at my face then smirks slightly
Oh no...

"Ah.. i see now, well ig this is just payback..." he leans in
"Of how you make me feel in that maid dress of yours" he's smirking, alot

He leans away
"Well I'll go get dressed now" he says with a smile
he turns and leaves to downstairs

Holy shit what just happened..
That was... so.. hot

Unfortunately i go back to school next week 😭
So there won't be as many updates for a while

Word Count: 500

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