Morning Voice- Artino

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Arty has deep morning voice


Shino's POV:

I was at the kitchen
Making breakfast for me and Arty

It was friday the 15th December
Arty had thrown up yesterday so he won't be in school today
I talked to Database and he let me stay off aswell, to take care of Arty

Database weirdly cared for Artemis? Idk why tho..

As i was lost in thought i heard creaks coming from upstairs

A few seconds later i heard Arty coming down the stairs

"Good morning sleepy head" i say, love in my voice

"Its only 10am Shino.." Arty said, his voice rather deep, but not as deep as when he's Umbra

"It's so cute how your voice can get so deep... yet your still the cutest person ever" i say, teasing him

I don't even need to turn around to know his face turned red

He slowly comes over and hugs me from behind

"What are you making..?"

"Pancakes, i also bought a few croissants, and your hot chocolate should be done soon"

He lays his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes

"Mmmh.. okay"

I smile and kiss his head

He buries his face in my back and his arms firmly around my waist

Gosh he's so cute..


I was bored
And i wanted to give you guys some more Artino before Christmas
So here you go

Also i just started playing Honkai Star Rail, its very fun

Word Count: 243

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