omg another Artino

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Future Artino
But they're still together
Arty did go to France but after a couple years came back and convinced his mom to work there in America so Arty could still see Shino and everyone else


No ones POV:

Not only did Artemis become a famous fashion designer, but also a singer
He was very successful and loved by his fans
But no one loved him more than his dearest boyfriend, Shino Basca

Shino was a hero, he didn't do most of the front stuff, he mainly did the small things, stopping robberies, theft, stuff like that
But when he did bigger stuff, like fighting villains, he was incredible
Artemis admired how strong Shino was

They both loved eachother so much

Shino was currently patrolling the city, he found a store that looked to be abandoned, so he went inside, cause he's so smart and not dumb at all

One of the Tv's still worked however
And his beloved was on it

Currently Artemis was out doing a concert
His concerts where just him doing covers of songs the people wanted him to

He was currently singing Still Into You by Paramore

Shino stopped and admired him
His beauty
And his voice
Everything about Artemis was so gorgeous
He.. was so gorgeous

He completely forgot he was supposed to be patrolling and just stayed in his own little world, watching and admiring Artemis


"Hm!?" Shino quickly turned around to see Blake, or, Hothead, standing behind him, with a disappointed look on her face

"Really Shino? Your supposed to be patrolling! Not watching your boyfriend perform!" Blake shouted
"I get he's a great singer and he's pretty but come on now!"

"Sorry sorry.. i just.. got distracted.." Shino rubbed the back of his neck

"Yeah yeah, anyway lets go"


1 hour 45 minutes later:

Shino was sitting on his couch/sofa in the living room
He had been sitting there for over an hour now
He started falling asleep when he heard the door open

He turned his head and saw a very exhausted oreo walk into the room

"Hey hun, how are you?" He asked

"Hm? Oh hi Shino.. I'm good.." he walked over and placed his handbag on the table
Then bending down and taking his boots  off
Then unbuttoning the top 3 buttons on his shirt

"You tired?" Shino asked

"Mhm.." Artemis replied in a very sleepy voice

Shino stood up and walked over to Arty
Holding his hand snd leading him to the bedroom
It wasn't a far walk, as they lived in Shino's apartment, it was small but they didn't care, atleast.. Artemis didn't

Shino didn't want any help from Arty's mom, he didn't want her money
And all he could afford was a small apartment, with 1 bedroom

But Arty didn't care, he kept all his sewing stuff at his mothers mansion, and he was just happy to be with Shino
He didn't need much, he was used to not having much

Shino unbuttoned Arty's shirt, took one of his own tops, then put it on Artemis
He knew how much Arty loved wearing Shino's tops
It was just a simple grey one, but Arty loved it either way

Arty got changed out of his jeans and into comfortable leggings

Then Shino guided him to the bed and they both layed down
And cuddled eachother

Shino played with Arty's hair, trying to get him to fall asleep

"I love you.." Arty mumbled as he was falling asleep

"I love you too" Shino whispered

And with that, Arty fell asleep, and soon after so did Shino


More Artinooo

Looking back at this rn, idk what i was thinking with the first bit
Don't judge me

Word Count: 628

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