More Artino

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Hey bestiesssss
Its almost 3am
More Artinoooo

So ya'll are getting more Artino

This is gonna be if when Shino & Arty met, Arty experienced love at first sight

So this is gonna be very shy Arty

Also i don't remember how the ep went so... imma just wing it

Arty's POV:

I just finished unpacking all my stuff
I didn't have a lot but its okay

Suddenly i heard the front door open

One of my dormmates must be here

I leave my room and slowly go down the stairs

"Hello?" I say

"Hm!? Oh h-hi" a small blonde person says

"Oh hi, are you my dormmate?"

"Uh.. y-yeah ig? I'm Rikku" they say

"Oh well hello Rikku, I'm Artemis"

"H-hi.. aren't we supposed to have another dormmate?"

Just as they say that the door opens

"O-oh um!" Rikku moves away


Someone comes in and-


"Uh hi are you guys Rikku and Artemis?"

"Oh uh yeah we are!" Rikku says

"Cool.. i saw your guys' names on the sign outside"

"Theres a sign outside??" Rikku says

"Uh.. yeah? Did you guys not notice it?"

"No ig not"

"Okay then? Uh well I'm Shino, and um.. who is who?" Shino says

"Oh well I'm Rikku and- uh.. Artemis?"


"Are you okay? You seemed to be staring into space? Also your face is red?" Rikku says

"Oh yeah yeah, I'm okay" i say, smiling nervously

Shino chuckles slightly


"Well it's nice to meet the both of you" he says

"Mhm! Its nice to meet you too!" Rikku says

"Y-yeah.. n-nice to m-meet you" i say
Shit don't stutter so much Artemis..

"Did you guys just arrive?" Shino asks

"Oh well i did" Rikku says

"I-i've been here for a while" i say

"Oh alright, um i take it you already got your room then Artemis?"

Omg he said my name...

"U-um yeah, i-i took the upstairs bedroom... i-i hope you guys don't mind b-but i did take the biggest bedroom"

"Oh thats okay!" Rikku says

"Yeah thats fine, i purposefully asked for the smallest bedroom anyway so" Shino says

"Well um.. I'm gonna go check out my room!" Rikku says

"I'll come with, you comin' Artemis?" Shino asks

"O-oh um.. s-sure" calm down Artemis..

"Alright, lets go" Shino says

Rikku goes downstairs first
Then Shino
And then me

Rikku goes over and opens their door

"Aww.. mum got them to put this upp" they say as they go in

"Oo, cool" Shino says, and goes in

I go in after

"Ooo" i say

"They got it.. exact! Wowww" Rikku says

"Woahh, it looks so cool Rikku!" I say

"Thanks! I really like itt" they say

"It is nice" Shino says

Small Timeskip because I'm bored:

Shino opened is rooms door and walked in

Rikku going in after

And me last

"Yeah so this is my room" he says

"Woahh" Rikku says

"Its very yellow" i say

"Yeah.. its kinda just the colour i went for"

"I like it, it looks nice" i say

"So coooolllll" Rikku says

"Mhm" Shino says

"Well um.. I'm gonna go unpack and maybe take a nap aswell.." Rikku says

"Oh alright" i say

Rikku then leaves Shino room and goes back to their room

I turn to leave and Shino follows

"I hope you don't mind, i wanna check out your room" he says

"O-oh, o-okay"

We both leave and head upstairs to my room

I open the door and walk in

Him following

"Oh wow.." he says

"Its not much but.. its my room"

"Did you draw these?"

"O-oh um.. y-yeah! I did"

"They're really cool Artemis"

"O-oh, thank you Shino"

He continues looking at all my drawings that are hung up on my walls

"Your really talented Artemis"


He looks over at me

"You don't have to be so nervous you know"

"S-sorry... I'm just not used to people the same age as me.."

"Its alright Artemis, i won't judge you"

"Th-thanks... there weren't alot of people my age in the orphanage so I'm not used to it"

"Orphanage?" He asks

"O-oh! Um.. y-yeah.. i came from an orphanage.."

"Oh, alright, i can kinda relate, i wasn't in an orphanage but i don't have parents either"


"Eh its fine, anyway, your rooms cool, i like it, and also, try relax"
He walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder

"Ik your really nervous, but its okay, if you need to talk I'm here for you okay?" He says

His eyes are so pretty...

And his voice is so soft.. so calming...

I nod slowly


"Good" he says and steps back

"Well I'll let you do.. whatever, I'll see you later okay?"


He smiles and leaves, shutting my door behind him


Omg he's so handsome

His eyes are so gorgeous
Like actual gold

His hair is amazing
And looks so soft

His face is just so handsome

Just everything about him is amazing..


I have a crush on my dormmate...

Oh no....

Word count: 888

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