The Little Mermaid- but Artino

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No its not the entire fucking little mermaid
Its currently almost 1am
I ain't doing that
But I'mma do some cause.. i can
Also oh naur


Shino 'Simp' Basca's POV:

I was on my balcony, leaning on the railing, gazing at the stars
The stars have always been pretty..

A few days ago a boy joined us, a boy with half black half white hair, gorgeous purple eyes, and snowy-white skin
He also can't speak, he doesn't even know sign language

He's very pretty.. and handsome.. ik Database said work comes before love in my situation but.. maybe just this once..

I walked to his bedroom and knocked on the door
The door opened and there he stood.. the same height as me, shy and scared, but also happy

"Uh hi.. can i.. talk to you?"

He nods and lets me in

I walk in and he shuts the door, the 2 of us alone..
I turn to him and walk towards him, standing right infront of him

I take his hands in mine and bring them to my lips, kissing them, warming them up, his skin is quite cold

His face goes slightly pink as i do so

I stare into his rich purple eyes
I could do so for hours upon hours
But unfortunately i don't have much time..
So i must make this quick

I take his hands and guide him over to the bed
I sit down and pull him down onto my lap

His face is very pink now

I cup his face and lean in, but stop

"Is this... okay? Your not uncomfortable.. right?"

He nods quickly and smiles

I smile back then lean in again
Connecting our lips

The kiss is long, and meaningful
All the words he is unable to speak go into the kiss

We part and i look into his eyes

"Your lips taste like chocolate.."

"Your's taste like caramel"


"Wait you can talk"

"Um... i can.. now, see um- this witch put a curse on me that i had to get you to kiss me before the third sunset or else I'd go back to being a merman, and she also cursed me to not be able to speak until I've done so" he says rapidly

"... oh, well then"

"I uh... I'm sorry i didn't figure out a way to tell you before.."

"Its fine.. don't worry"
I pull him in closer and connect our lips again
This time the kiss is more passionate

The kiss slowly turns into a make out
Our lips part for a second then immediately connect again

I rub his thighs as his hands fiddle with my hair

Well, now i have a half-human half-merman boyfriend

Jeez i wonder what database will say


It was flex, he's the witch who put the curse on Arty
Idk why he did it, he just did
Maybe Kol was jealous of Artino so he got flex to curse Arty so Kol could try steal Shino away

Also consent is sexy 👍🏻

Anyway your welcomeeeee
For 2 chapters back to back

Word Count: 520

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