Artino- LAFS au

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LAFS - Love At First Sight

Currently in pain so using this to disract me

No One's POV:

It was February 27th

Artemis was sitting on the couch, watching Anime, as he didn't have anything to do

Shino walked up the stairs, about to head off to volleyball

"Oh, hey Arty"

"Hm? Oh hey Shino!" Artemis smiled, butterflies always coming to his stomach everytime he saw Shino

"Whatcha watching?" Shino asked

"Oh Rikku recommended this show called Black Butler, it's really cool! Also really silly"

"I see.. so what do you have planned for today?"

"Oh well.. i think i have to go to the cafe later" Artemis said
"And then probably do some more designs, nothing too special"

"Ooo, whatcha designing huh?" Shino asked

"Oh well you know just... new clothes and... sketches of things i want to make but can't yet"

"Oh okay"

"And you?" Artemis asked

"Oh well I'm heading out to volleyball practice rn"

"Ooo fun"

"Yeah i surprisingly actually like it... actually how late am i... huh, I'm actually not too late"

"What's wrong did it get cancelled?" Artemis asked

"No no no no, I've only just realised what date it is"

"Oh? Well what day is it? Is it like a holiday or..."

"Its.. the 27th of February, my birthday was 7 days ago"

"Oh February.. 20th?" Artemis asked


"Wait wait wait wait wait, YOUR birthday's February 20th!?"

"That is what im saying?

"MY birthday's February 20th!" Artemis exclaimed

"...... huh"
"......... why didn't you celebrate it?"

"Um..... well uh...."


"I don't really know how to celebrate a birthday cause I've.. never really done it before.." Artemis admitted

"Oh okay that makes a lot more sense.." Shino says

"Well now I'm 16 years old so... yeah"

"Hm, well fair enough, i believe from my memory i am... 17?"
"I think?"

"Oh okay" Artemis says

"Cool.." Shino mumbled

"We never really celebrated birthday's at the orphanage so... i just kinda keep to myself"

"I mean i never really celebrated my birthday... period, anyway so.... social gallering are just a bit.... eeh, sensory overload and stuff so yeah..."
"You know what"


"How about....." Shino turned to himself, thinking of his decisions
"would you like to have a belated birthday party, Artemis?"

"Wh- what, wait, wait- uh- you-, a birthday party?"

"I mean... yeah sure i don't see why not, a shared belated birthday, why not?"

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