Prologue: The New World and Meeting the Gang.

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Yamikumo POV

I open my eyes to see I'm in a Lush Forest. Maybe Kurogiri sent me Far away from the Battlefield. I think to Myself but my thoughts were Quickly Interrupted by the Sounds of a Gunshot as I go to Check it out and See People and a Bear fighting a Snake looking monster. Maybe it's a New type of Nomu.

???: We need some backup *Shoots at the Snake*.

The Bullets hurt some but not enough as It roars in Anger and Charges at Them. I then see a Bear wearing Armor run at it and Bite its Tail as It throws the Bear Away. Some girl with a Feather in her Hair runs to Check on it.

???: You okay? Trinket?

Trinket: Roars in agreement.

???: I got this one, 🎶Scanlan's Hand🎶.

I see a Giant Purple Hand Restrain the Creature. but it Breaks free as a Gray skinned Man with Tattoos on his Body Rushes towards it and Slashes it as It Hisses in Pain. It then Rushes For a Girl with Antlers and I decide that to Reveal myself. I slice its Eye blinding it as I grab the Girl and Bring her towards the Others.

???: Who the Hell is that?

???: I don't know. But I think he's on our side.

Yamikumo: I'll Take care of this.

???: *Blushes at His Appearance* O-Ok.

I walk Towards it as It Hisses at Me.

Yamikumo: Ok, Ugly. *Draws Sword* Shall we dance?

It Slithered Towards Me as I Charge at It. I Dodge its Tail Swipe as I Slash it with My Sword. It Quickly Recovers and Tries to Eat me. I Dodge It and Stab it in its head. But It Knocks me away as I hold my Ribs in Pain. I take out my Venom Injector.

Yamikumo: I hate when I have to use this.

I inject Myself as My Muscles Bulk and I quickly Pick up My Sword. I Rushes at The Monster with Insane Speed and Overwhelms its Defenses. It Roars in Pain as It was being Sliced Over its Body. I Lands in front of it as It Hisses at him.

Yamikumo: Let's Do this.

I Say as I gets in Position. The Monster slithers at me in a fit of rage. But I Quickly Slices it in Multiple Pieces as he sheaths his Sword. The Monster Falls in Multiple Pieces as the Venom effect Leaves My Body. 

Yamikumo: Thank god that's Over.

I hear Some Noises as I Turn around to See The Individuals I just Saved. A Little Girl with White hair and Scar over Her eye walk towards Me and I get on Guard. But I see her Hands Glow yellow as My Ribs Quickly Heal like Nothing happened. I lower my Guard.

Yamikumo: Thank you. But if I may ask what are you? Some kind of Medic?

Pike: My Name is Pike Trickfoot and I'm a Cleric.

Yamikumo: My name is Yamikumo Midoriya. I'm an Assassin/Rogue and it's nice to meet you.

I then see the Same Gray skinned man walk towards Us.

???: Who is this? Pike.

Pike: This is Yamikumo and he's a Friend, Grog.

Grog: Oh, Okay. Ooh! *picks up Snake scale* Can I keep this?

Yamikumo: Sure.

I then See the Same Girl I saved, a Guy with Pointy ears and Daggers at the Ready, a Girl with a feather in her Hair with The same ears as the Guy with the Bear, a White haired man with Clothes that Scream Royalty and a Short Guy wearing Pink Clothes.

???: Who's your new friend, Pike?

Pike: His Name is Yamikumo.

Grog: and he's an Assassin.

???: Really, now?

Yamikumo: Yeah, if I may ask who are you people?

Vex: Well, I'm Vex'ahlia, but call me Vex. This is my Older brother Vax'ildan or Vax for Short. This is Trinket*pets Trinket*.

Yamikumo: Nice to meet you both. The bear included.

The Bear walks towards me and Licks my face as I pet him.

Percy: I am Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III.

I had a Confused Look on My Face.

Vex: Call him Percy for Short.

Yamikumo: Oh, Okay.

Scanlan: And I, My friend. am Scanlan Shorthalt. And we're *pulls out his Lute and Strums it* the Legend of Vox Machina.

Yamikumo: N-Nani!!!

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