Book 2: Pass through Fire

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Keyleth POV

It's been Weeks since the Temple and we found the Vestige, if we found one then that means we have a Chance to stop the Conclave. Now I'm collecting drift wood with Yamikumo for the Fire. I heard the wind and I couldn't help but remember that Day, My Mother had left for her Aramenté. Until I Heard Yamikumo's voice.

Yamikumo: Alright, this should be enough through the Night.

Keyleth: Uh, yeah. Hey, Yamikumo. You ever think about your Family?

Yamikumo: Um, I only know mother. I haven't met my father. I assume he's either dead or left us for dead. What about you.

Keyleth: I just miss my family. The Fact we're so close to Pyrah isn't helping either.

Yamikumo: Pyrah? Is that your home.

Keyleth: No, it's where the Fire Ashari live.

Yamikumo: Well, if you miss them. We could always visit

Keyleth: you and me. a-alone t-together.

Yamikumo: Yeah, I mean. All of us. You know, Vox Machina.

He walks forward embarrassed as I chuckle to myself. He was funny and Sweet.

3rd POV 

Percy and Vax were Building a Make shift Structure out of the remaining drift wood while Vex was telling everyone the story of what it was like to be dead.

Vex: And then, whoosh, I was alive again. It really puts life into perspective, you know? I feel more grown, more mature. 

Yamikumo: heh, you certainly look more mature. In a Good way for your information.

Vex: I'm going to take that as a compliment because of how mature I am. Vax gets it. Right, brother?

Vax: Sure. Whole new perspective.

A piece of wood falls on Percy's head as Keyleth drops all the wood from being called by Pike.

Pike: is something wrong?

Keyleth: No, nothing. It's just, we're so close to Pyrah.

Percy: is that where you're from?

Keyleth: No. I'm an Air Ashari. The Fire Ashari live there, guarding the rift to the Fire Plane. It was one of the last places my mom was seen alive on her Aramenté. 

Pike: Oh, Keyleth. I'm so sorry. If we're close to Pyrah, maybe we should go.

Vax: I'd like to, but the people of Tal'Dorei are depending on us.

Yamikumo: Come on, man. It's her people we're talking about. Not just the people of Tal'Dorei.

Keyleth: No, h-he's right. It's fine. I didn't mean to... I-I'm gonna go get more wood.

Keyleth walks off Somberly as Vax sits down by the Fire.

Pike: Uh, how long has Grog been gone? Doesn't take that long to pop a squat.

Percy: This is Grog we're talking about.

Scanlan: I'll go check on him. Here. For the Fire.

Scanlan threw the Broom to Vex who noticed Magical words on it.

Yamikumo: Well, speaking of Grog. We gotta talk about his new weapon.

Vax: Oh, yeah. What about it?

Yamikumo: We need to destroy that thing.

Vex: seriously?

Pike: He's right. When we were fighting the Adaros. Grog seemed different from normal.

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