Whispers at the Ziggurat

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3rd POV 

The Camera Shows the Ziggurat with a Watch ticking. The Camera pans to Show Sylas and Delilah walking up the Stairs. Delilah chuckles and looked at her watch.

Delilah: Soon. The Celestial alignment is almost Complete.

Sylas moves a piece of the ziggurat as Delilah Walk forward.

Delilah: it begins. Dwes Kalu, Varen Thar Amphala. 

Delilah shoots Dark Magic into the Ziggurat as Green energy flows through the Ziggurat. our Heroes Ran towards it until Scanlan suddenly stop and noticed something.

Scanlan: Wait. 

Grog: Uh... Scanlan?

Scanlan Abruptly Gasps as he remembers everything with the Book and the Star Chart.

Scanlan: It wasn't a Spell book. It was an Instruction manual. The Drawings, the Symbols... it all had to do with that name.

Yamikumo: Name? What name is that?

Scanlan: Uh, the wha... what was it? The-the Whispered One.

Pike: The Whispered One? 

Vex: You've heard that Name?

Pike: Once. Uh. From an elder of the Everlight.

Yamikumo: What does this Elder know about that name.

Pike: They said he's some sort of Undead Creature whose Soul seeks the Power to return to our plane. 

Scanlan: I get the Book, the maps, but what's with the Star chart?

Keyleth: It's the Solstice, when the Barrier between the planes is the thinnest.

Scanlan: Oh, sure, sure, the Planes. 

Keyleth: if this Whispered One wants to Cross over. Now is the time to do it.

Pike: And the Briarwoods must be trying to help him.

Yamikumo: Why? What does he have that they want?

Vex: I don't give a Shit what they're doing or what they want. I just want my Brother back.

Yamikumo: Good for you, but we have to stop them.

Vex: Didn't you hear what I said?

Yamikumo: Vex, Think about it, if this Creature or Whatever it is gets into Our world. It's Over for Us and Vax too. So We'll Split up and One of us will handle the Undead Couple while someone hands Vax.

Vex nods as Delilah stopped Chanting and turned towards Sylas.

Delilah: The Whispered One is coming. Once he returns, you and I will be together forever. Let any who would stop us shatter against what we have built.

Delilah and Sylas Kiss as the Others noticed Vax moved forward.

Vex: *gasps* Vax. 

Grog: Okay, I'll take Vax. *cracks neck and knuckles* Piece of Cake. 

Vex: Grog, I want him alive. 

Grog: Oh. Uh, then I got Cassandra. 

Percy: No, she will answer to me. 

Grog: Oh... I never get to play.

Pike: Buddies, we still need somebody to handle Sylas. Any suggestions.

Grog: Um... I don't know, maybe Ripley? *laughs* Doesn't really matter what happens to her.

Yamikumo: I absolutely Agree.

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