A Silver Tongue

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3rd POV 

Pike sat in a circle with Priests chanting around her.

Priests: Light and Mercy, cleanse the soul. Light and mercy, cleanse the soul.

Suddenly Pike shouts as her eyes glowed yellow. She was back in the dark void. She looked at her destroyed necklace.

Pike: Everlight... I need your guidance. Where are you?

Suddenly black tendrils wrap around Her legs and pull her down. She woke up in the real world breathing heavily.

Head cleric: the darkness lingers still. We'll try this again in a few hours. When you've regained your strength.

Pike: No. I'll try again now.

Head cleric: It's too dangerous, pike Trickfoot. Do not indulge madness out of desperation. This chamber is a conduit for more energy than any one person can channel. Especially one for whom the connection to the Everlight is...Questionable.

Pike: if you won't aid me, then I'll do it alone. Leave me.

The Head cleric and priests leave back with the Others.

Percy watched as his Sister laid Dying and quickly rushed to her side.

Percy: Cass! Stay with me.

Anders: I've wanted to do that for longer than you can imagine.

Then Yamikumo and Keyleth arrived and saw what happened.

Percy: Keyleth, Hurry!

Keyleth: Yamikumo! I need Wanderer's moss, Flicksilver and, uh... the bag that says "dirt". Need pressure on the wound before the spell can hold.

Percy watched as Yamikumo got the ingredients that Keyleth asked for. Keyleth then spits in the ingredients and Mushed them together. But she unsure if it would work.

Yamikumo: You can do this.

Keyleth nodded as she placed their hands on Cassandra's slitted throat. Anders poured his Whiskey.

Anders: Oh, the joy in watching a de Rolo child meet a painful end. *raises glass* Cheers.

Percy: You Son of Bitch!

Percy quickly aimed his Pepperbox at Anders and unknowingly Transformed as he shot at Anders. But Anders threw his Cup on the ground and a thick cloud of smoke appeared.

Anders: we're all Sons of Bitches, de Rolo. You in particular from that Bitch who bore you.

Percy quickly kicked opened a door that Anders had shut and pointed his Pepperbox at areas.

Anders: Aw, did I poke a sore spot? You didn't know your parents like I did. They took every opportunity to keep an intellect like mine nose-down in the dirt, tutoring their...misbegotten spawn. 

Percy saw a Reflection of Anders about to strike him with a sword. Percy then dodged and blocked the sword strikes with his Pepperbox. But it was quickly knocked away by Anders as Percy threw Anders over his shoulder and sent him towards the wall.

Anders: Unlike you de Rolos, the Briarwoods see me for a greater purpose and for my efforts, they have given me a great many rewards. *licks his teeth to reveal his silver tongue as his eyes glow white* Rise, Armor of old and greet our guests.

Four Giant Suits of Armor come to life and walk towards Percy as he shoots at Anders. But the Armor protects him. The Armor tries to swing at Percy as he shoots at them but it didn't get through the Armor. Until Suddenly.

Vax: Oi! Heads up!

Vax threw a dagger at one of the armor catching it off balance.

Percy: This revenge is mine.

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