Book 2:The Fey Realm

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3rd POV

Vox Machina had arrived in the Fey realm, but they were separated. Keyleth was pacing while the others were panicking.

Percy: what happened to the others.

Keyleth: Uh, I don't know.

Vax: Where's Pike?

Vex: How do you not know?!

Yamikumo: Enough!!! give her time to think for fuck's sake. Kiki, just tell us what you remember.

Keyleth: I tried to take us to the next vestiges. U-Umbrasyl... disrupted my spell. I... I managed to transport us here, but the others went... somewhere else?

Vax: (quietly) at least we're together.

Keyleth: I shouldn't have tried to pull off a spell like that. 

Yamikumo: If you hadn't, they wouldn't just be lost, they'd be dead.

Keyleth: *tears up* But... Pike. She was...

Yamikumo: *puts hand on her shoulder* With Grog and Scanlan. We have to believe they're okay like I believe in you.

Keyleth smiles at him until Vex spoke.

Vex: They aren't the only ones lost. where the hell are we?

Keyleth: well, I was trying to take us to the next Vestiges of Divergence.

Percy: I think you succeeded. it's here. somewhere.

a bird flew around Keyleth as she admired it.

Keyleth: *gasps* Hello, little floof. Oh, that is the prettiest bird I have ever...

Suddenly the plants had reached out as the bird squawked in manner similar to screaming before it was ripped apart and its remains were feasted upon by the Flowers. Keyleth watched in Horror as the Plants belched.

Yamikumo: What the fuck!?

Percy: Friends, welcome to the Fey Realm. 

Time skip.

The group walked through Fields of tall grass.

Keyleth: Without Pike, we don't have a healer and without Grog, we don't have our muscle and without Scanlan, we have...

Vex: Less dick jokes.

Yamikumo: I'm actually Okay with that one.

Vex: Ugh, this Grass is making me dizzy. Look.

Vex whistles as the sound resonates through the Grass.

Keyleth: Scanlan said his Vision of the Fey Realm was like a drug trip.

Vax: And that the Fenthras Bow was inside a twisted tree in a bog.

Yamikumo: and that the Sword was in some abandoned temple.

Vex: He also said Sheep's milk is his favorite lubricant, so...

Percy: We should check that distant range. Most bogs drain from the Mountains.

Keyleth: How far away is that?

Keyleth pointed at the mountain as it broke apart to reveal it was a rock.

Keyleth: Did... did I break it? 

Percy: Well, the Fey Realm does have a sense of humor.

Vax: A twisted one, at that. Is anything as it seems here, de Rolo?

Percy: In my youth, I was fascinated by the Fey Realm. The Mystery, the Danger. Why, I read every single text I could get my hands on. You needn't worry. Follow my lead, and we'll be just fine.

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