Shadows at the gate

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3rd POV 

After the Fight with Briarwoods, Vox Machina was arrested and brought to the Throne Room where Uriel was calling them out.

Uriel: You've ruined our banquet, assaulted political allies, and risked the security of the realm. Throw them in Irons!

Guards moved to arrest them but Grog growled at them while the others were protesting.

Allura: Sovereign, it's been a very long evening. I will see that they are properly punished.

Uriel: *scoffs* See that you do.

Uriel heads to his Chambers to get some rest.

Vex: Allura, something is Very wrong with Uriel. He's under the Briarwoods' influence, I can feel it.

Allura: that is a considerable accusation. Do you have proof?

Vex: No. But I can get it. I just need Time and access to...

Allura: Emon owes you a debt, but that does not mean you are above the Law. Though perhaps Uriel is being too Brash. Until this is Resolved, you are hereby confined to your keep under house arrest.

They were Protesting.

Grog: How can you arrest a House?

Pike: Okay. Thank you, Lady Allura.

Allura: I'll convene a formal inquiry at once. Your fate will be determined once we hear the Briarwoods' side of the story. If they'll even speak to us anymore.

Yamikumo: Lady Allura, They'll probably just Lie to you about it.

Allura: That is not your Decision to make. I'm truly sorry.

Yamikumo: Allura-

Vex: Just let it go.

Yamikumo: Tch.

Time skip at the Keep.

The Guards had locked Vox Machina in their Keep and Taken their Weapons.

Scanlan: Get your filthy hands off my instrument.

Jarett: The more you resist, the longer this will take.

Scanlan: Come on, man. It's not a weapon! I just want to serenade the group!

Vax: Then you're doing us a Favor.

Jarett: Your belongings will be returned if you are exonerated. All points of egress to this compound are being surveilled. If you attempt to escape, you will be executed.

Vax: Are you fucking Joking?

Jarett: I do not joke. I advise that you sit tight and wait for the Sovereign's inquiry.

Grog: And what, we're supposed to sit here?

Jarett: you have run of your keep. I'm sure you will find something to entertain yourselves.

They shut the door and leave Vox Machina alone in their keep. In the Kitchen. Pike was looking at her Destroyed necklace, Yamikumo was looking at his arm wondering how it suddenly grew Dragon scales, Grog was lifting weights and the rest were just hanging around. Until Percy stopped Grog cause he was blowing his Concentration.

Percy: Grog!

Grog: What?

Vax: I know we have a lot to talk about, but I'm not turning into a Vampire, am I?

Yamikumo: Dude, look at the window.

Vax does what he says and sees his Reflection.

Vax: I withdraw the Question.

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