Book 2: Belly of the Beast

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3rd POV 

Scanlan: You're telling me that I... that I...

Kaylie: You came up here to sleep with your daughter.

Scanlan: N-No. No, I mean... No. I-I-I feel like I wouldn't have let it get that far. 

Kaylie lunges forward as Scanlan backs away.

Scanlan: W-W-Wait! I-I had no idea you existed. *sighs* But, look, now that I do, I recognize your eyes, your ears, your hair. So much like your mother. I'll never forget meeting her.


Scanlan walks down the stairs and goes to grab a seat, But he stops and looks at a Female Gnome. 

Scanlan: It was love at first sight.

Scanlan and the woman were seen Laughing and unknowingly holds hands.

Scanlan: we talked till sunrise about Music and dirty jokes, our hopes and fears. Every moment with her showed me a new way to be Happy. I spent my whole life looking for pleasure. I never thought I'd find Romance. She unlocked my soul.

Censored for Obvious reasons!!!. Scanlan was seen Packing a Bag. Then he was seen in a Cart that was traveling.

Scanlan: but then, as quickly as it started... the world got in the way. And these years, I never got over Lea.

Flashback end.

Scanlan: Always holding on to Hope that. somehow, somewhere, our love could live forever.

Kaylie: that's not my mum.

Scanlan: Are you sure?

Kaylie: You Fucking Asshole!

Scanlan: W... Uh, wait, wait. Uh... Phoebe? Janet? Burt? Christy? Clara? Coriander? I feel like it starts with a "C." 

Kaylie: Her name was Sybil, and you left her like she was nothing. Just another one of your conquests to bed. Mum raised me alone, struggled endlessly to support us. She deserved better, but instead she got you, a selfish gnome who doesn't even remember her name.

Scanlan: *sighs* I really am awful.

Kaylie: Don't try that with me. 

Scanlan: No, it's the Truth. I've made a lifetime of mistakes, and I'm not sure why I'm this way, but my heart is breaking a hundred times for not knowing about you. So, go on, stab me. I won't resist. You've earned it.

Kaylie grips the Sword and Lunges forward, but stops halfway.

Kaylie: No. No. that'd be helping you run away again.

She reverse grips the Sword as Magical marks appear on the blade before she lets it go. 

Kaylie: So, I'll do worse than kill you. I'll leave you with this burden. It's yours now... Dad.

Kaylie Walks away leaving Scanlan alone as he struggles to free himself. Scanlan slides his hands free from the rope and Accidentally cuts his chest before he ran after Kaylie.

Scanlan: P-Please, just. Let me...

Scanlan hangs his head in defeat as he sigh. With the Other who made a Toast as they drink.

All: Cheers.

Vax Noticed a Glowing String that moved outside.

Keyleth: Grog, why does your keg say "for Animal consumption Only"?

Grog: I don't know. *burps* But I'm gonna need another round.

Two Half-giants walked around talking to each other.

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