Book 2: The awakening of a Dragon

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3rd POV 

The Group was breathing heavily after fighting so many Creatures as One creature Got up, Thankfully Yamikumo stabbed it in the head with his Hidden Knife.

Keyleth: That was... exhausting.

Percy: Remind me, why so many Creatures attacked us again?

Yamikumo: You can thank our resident Raven man for that.

Vax: Again, it's not my fault.

Vex: Just how far away is this Fucking Vestige.

Keyleth: Garmelie said it was few miles away before he disappeared again, but Look, we're all Tired and we need rest.

Yamikumo: Okay, we'll make Camp and head for the temple tomorrow. I'll take the first watch.

The group all nodded as they made Camp and Yamikumo kept watched until he heard something in the bushes. Yamikumo POV

Yamikumo: Huh? 

I went Over to the Bushes and saw a White furred Wolf with Bloody injuries all over its Body as I wondered how it could even stand.

I went Over to the Bushes and saw a White furred Wolf with Bloody injuries all over its Body as I wondered how it could even stand

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I walked over to it as it weakly growled out at me, I quickly made it clear I didn't want to hurt it and it Understood. I reached into one of my pouches and took out some healing Ointment before using it on the wolf.

Yamikumo: it'll be okay. Just try not to Overexert yourself. I can't believe I'm talking to a Wolf.

Wolf(Psychic): Why did you help me?

Yamikumo: Wait, what? You can talk.

Wolf: Yes, I can, but I've had to deal with some creatures. I thank you for helping me.

I watched as the Wolf walked away and I went back to the Others before sitting down. A few Hours had passed as I tried to stay awake and listened to wind. I heard rustling in the bushes and saw the wolf again carrying a Goose in its mouth.

Yamikumo: You're back.

Wolf: it seems you could use some company.

Yamikumo: *looks at the others who were sleeping* Yeah.

The Wolf dropped the Goose as I picked it up and started cooking it over the fire, I shared the meal with the Wolf as I asked it a question.

Yamikumo: so why did you come back?

Wolf: I sense another soul in you. Something dangerous, Primal.

Yamikumo: the fact that a Wolf is saying this is shocking me.

Wolf: in other words, you're changing.

Yamikumo: Into what?

In Time I eventually fell asleep and woke up to find the Wolf gone. The others had woken up as well.

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