The Terror of Tal'Dorei Part 2

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3rd POV 

At a Camp outside of the Palace of Emon where Most of Guards were Preparing for battle.

Krieg: Look sharp, Son. We're in for one Hell of a Battle.

Random: General Krieg, is it true the Shale Steps fell?

Krieg: Aye. And the Monster is still Unknown. But you are the Arms of Emon, entrusted by Sovereign Uriel with the safety of the realm. We don't need know to the enemy, we need know ourselves. Our Training, our devotion to this Land. No matter the Danger, Victory is Ours if we fight with Honor and raise our swords on high.

The Soldiers all raise their Swords with Ignited Spirit.

Random: *scoffs* What a Load of Shite.

Krieg: *sheathes sword* Best finish making camp. A storm's blowing through tonight.

At Nightfall a Wind could be Heard as The Soldiers noticed the Same Blue Dragon that attacked our Heroes last Chapter Flying towards them. They Shoot Arrows at it but it couldn't pierce its Scales. It Then Slaughtered All of them. In Present Time in the Throne Room.

Uriel: and you saw it? What did this?

Krieg: The Beast is a Blue Dragon, sire. Only a few of us managed to escape.

Uriel: My Gods. *to Allura* Allura, you've dealt with such Creatures in the past. How do we fight it?

Allura: Oh, that was a Red Dragon, years ago. But to my experience, Dragons are fiercely intelligent, calculating creatures. Their machinations run deep.

The Door Opens to Reveal Sir Fince Walk through it.

Krieg: Ah, Sir Fince finally Joins us. I hope the Crisis hasn't kept you from your Skulking.

Fince: I've been Gathering Intelligence we sorely lack. Seems your band of fools have gone missing. Safe to say you've sent Vox Machina to their Doom?

Scanlan: Doom? We don't the Meaning of the Word.

The Camera Pans around Fince to Reveal Vox Machina standing there.

Grog: Uh, I certainly don't.

Yamikumo: *chuckles* Classic.

Scanlan: Sovereign, Hold on to your Goddamn Crown. We've discovered that the monster is none other than a Blue Dragon!

Council: We Know.

Allura: Did you kill it?

Keyleth: I wouldn't say "kill," really.

Pike: we're still kind of working on that part.

Yamikumo: it's definitely on the ropes.

Krieg: *laughs* I can't believe you made it out alive. How did you survive?

Scanlan: Mm, trade secrets, I'm afraid, Kriegy. 

Percy: We hid and it flew away.

Yamikumo elbows Percy in the Stomach while Scanlan flips him off.

Grog: *Laughs* wait, how did we Survive that. 

Vex Holds her Head as she noticed Fince glancing at them.

Fince: these Blabbering fools are Useless, sire. Perhaps if we made an Offering to the Dragon. Gold in exchange for Peace?

Vax: Why don't we shake its hand and offer it a Fucking Pint while we're at it.

Yamikumo: Or Chat with it like we're Old friends.

Vex: If It Desires Emon's Destruction, it will not relent. 

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