Book 2: Rise of the Chroma Conclave

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3rd POV 

 The Black Dragon by the name of Umbrasyl stood before the People.

Umbrasyl: Death has Come for you.

The Dragon Flew Over head as Acid dripped on the Townspeople Burning them Alive. Allura Dropped the Barrier and Sent out a Magic Lasso that Wrapped around Umbrasyl before Kima slammed her Hammer down sending a Wave at Umbrasyl that didn't even Faze him.

Umbrasyl: Pathetic. Let me show you real Power! 

Umbrasyl breathed Acid down the Palace wall making some debris fall on the Council.

Pike: No!

The Group quickly got up and Saw the Destruction. Vax POV

I hold my head as I noticed a Woman wearing a White mask and Cloak of Raven Feathers staring at me.

I hold my head as I noticed a Woman wearing a White mask and Cloak of Raven Feathers staring at me

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I blink then she disappeared as I heard Vex calling me.

Vex: Brother, are you alright? Vax!

She helps me up before Something else happens.

Pike: Incoming!

I saw the Ice Dragon flying down at us as Percy shoots at it with his Pepperbox, but it didn't do anything as the Dragon shot Ice at us.

Percy: Look out!

Gilmore: Everyone down!

Gilmore created a Magic shield Protecting us from the Ice as we were split up.

Gilmore: *coughs* Dragons. Attacking together. Meet at my shop!

Scanlan: Right!

Yamikumo: Stay safe out there, Kiki.

Keyleth: You too.

Keyleth ran away with Scanlan as I touched the Ice where Vex was on the other side.

Vax: Stay safe, sister.

I watched as she ran away.

Yamikumo: Come on, we gotta get out of here!

I nod and Ran with the Others.

3rd POV

The Dragon Sprayed Toxic mist All over the Town as it landed on a Nearby House and ate a man. the Others ran until Scanlan Tripped.

Scanlan: Shit! Uh... Everybody back up... Slowly.

Vex: It must be... ancient.


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