Tide of Bone

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3rd POV Flashback.

Outside a Palace Soft gasping was heard. Inside we see a Weakly Sylas as Delilah put her hand on his cheek and listened to his slow heartbeat. She worried for his safety. 

Doctor: there's nothing more to be done. His fate lies with the gods.

Delilah: Liar!

She throws a glass at the doctor who immediately dodged as it hit the mirror. The doctor then leaves as Delilah cries, but some Eerie sighing was heard as Delilah looked out the window. Delilah was then seen running in a forest and fell down a steep slope where she found a book with skull on its cover that glowed purplish black. Delilah arrived back at the palace as she opened the book.

Delilah: "Kuthos Lavi Kushak", Vetom Grash Thidrondas. Oo Dovidi... Rudas...Kirum...Thranokas!"

Delilah drew Marks on her wrist as her blood drifted into a bowl. Then a surge of dark magic struck the ceiling making a Skull in it as Miraculously Sylas was healed but Changed.

Delilah: Oh, Sylas, it-it worked.

Sylas: Yes, my love. I feel better. Different.

Delilah looked in the mirror and saw only herself as she touched his chest to feel for his heartbeat. She found nothing.

Delilah: your heart.

Delilah cries tearfully as Sylas had wiped her tears away and Kissed her. Scene changes to present day.

Sylas: I should be down there fighting.

Delilah: No. We've not come this far to have our plans spoiled. You are more precious to me than you'll ever know. Trust in the Whispered One, for we are his blood.

Sylas: What did you do, my dear?

Cut to black as the Scene shows the feet of the pseudo Vox Machina, the Little Girl who was dressed like Pike suddenly opens her eyes to reveal they were pink along with the Others. With Our heroes.

Vax: Holy sh...

Percy shot one in the shoulder with the Others minus Cassandra and Scanlan standing there with their weapons ready.

Vex: We may want to get out of here.

A Zombie rushed at Yamikumo as he dodged its attacks.

Yamikumo: I thought these things were supposed to be slow and Weak.

He was then pinned on the Ground by two of them as a Gust of Air from Keyleth sent them back as the Others ran, Keyleth helped Yamikumo up.

Grog: Come on! Let's move!

Yamikumo: *sighs* Thanks, Kiki.

They then Ran after the Others as Scanlan noticed a Woman being eaten alive.

Woman: (raspy) Help me.

Scanlan whimpered in a High pitch as the Zombie turned pounce on him, but he was saved by Cassandra who threw the Zombie as Grog was creating a Path through the Horde.

Grog: Excuse us, Coming through.

Percy: Everyone, follow Grog!

Yamikumo: It's better than Sticking around here.

While they were Running, Cassandra had picked up a Sword from a Fallen Guard. The Group ran down an alley that Keyleth used her Vines to Keep the Zombies Back.

Keyleth: More of them?

Scanlan: How many dead people are in your stupid town, Percy?!

Keyleth: Where'd they all Come from?

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