Book 2: The Killbox

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3rd POV 

In a Valley a Golden Portal opened and Our Heroes stepped out.

Keyleth: Um...Isn't Whitestone supposed to be here?

Percy: This is the Right Valley. But where's it gone? 

Vex: *sighs* What's with Cities up and Moving this week?

Yamikumo: I may be Part Dragon, but this is just plain Freaky.

Vax Kneeled to the Ground and saw the paw print of a Dog on the ground, until he noticed a Flower moving around to reveal a hidden Veil. Vax stood up and put his hand through the Veil to test it.

Vax: Maybe it didn't move.

Vax Walks into the Veil as the Others Follow suit. They had Entered Whitestone as the scene shifts to the Table with Dragon shaped pieces were surrounding once Spot with the word "Emon".

Kima: The Dragons are on the move. They've already taken Emon and Westruun. 

Allura: Our Defenses are holding Steady for now, but Gilmore and I will need Help soon. 

Yennen: Hiding the city was never meant to be a Permanent solution.

Gilmore: I can't speak for Allura, but keeping this cloaking spell up is murder on my complexion.

Cassandra: I am fully aware of our situation. But for now, concealing Whitestone is the only way to Protect it.

Percy: Well, whatever you're doing, Cass, I'm pleased to see it's worked.

The Group walks out of the Shadows as the People in the room gasp.

Cassandra: Percy. 

Allura: Vox Machina. After three weeks, we'd started to give up hope. 

Keyleth: Three weeks? We've only been gone three days.

Percy: I hate the Bloody Fey Realm. 

Yamikumo: Thank gods. we're not there anymore.

Gilmore: Well, despite your temporal hiccup, I'm relieved you're back. Oh, and with a new look *laughs*.

Vax: *chuckles* Something like that. Happy to see you as well, Shaun. 

Kima: So, uh. Where's everybody else? *looks at Yamikumo* Also what's with your hair?

Yamikumo tilts his head slightly in a innocen but confused way.

Yamikumo tilts his head slightly in a innocen but confused way

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Yamikumo: Uh...

Keyleth: *chuckling* Funny story. I... Kind of Lost them. It's... it's not that funny.

Yamikumo: We lost the others when we had to deal with Acid breath. 

Vax: They could be anywhere.

Allura: then perhaps I can help you Find your friends. Show me what is lost.

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